The release of NU LOOK’s song “COOKIE” has sparked controversy due to its lyrics, which appear to address an underage girl. In the song, the singer expresses his love for the girl while acknowledging that she is too young. The questionable nature of the lyrics has drawn criticism, with some fans even likening the song to those of controversial R&B singer R. Kelly.

Several fans have raised concerns about the song’s content, particularly the following lyrics:

“Elle me parrait trop jeune
J’peux pas dire que je l’aime
Son amour interdit mes courts poésies
Juré pou’m renmen ou pou lavi
ma petite cookie
Men’m si bonè nou pap janm fleri”

(Translation: “She seems too young to me
I can’t say that I love her
Her forbidden love cuts short my poetry
Sworn to love you for life, my little cookie
Even if our happiness will never bloom”

We reached out to NU LOOK’s bandleader Arly Larivière to get his perspective on the growing controversy, but as of now, he has not returned any calls for comment. According to a source, the lyrics are credited to Mr. Michael Lubin, though many are still questioning why Arly would choose to sing a song with such sensitive content.

The lyrics continue:

“Ki renmen ou se lanmou à contre sens
kitem renmen ou an silans
Menm si kounya’l pap ka rive
menm pap di a Dieu ma chance
Ou se deyès lanmou
ou se deyes lanmou
Ou se tout sa’m swete
ou se tout sa m’ swete
M’konnen ke’l entèdi kounya
m’prefere ret soufri”

(Translation: “Loving you is love against the odds
Let me love you in silence
Even though it won’t happen now
I won’t say goodbye to my chance
You are the goddess of love
You are all I wish for
I know it’s forbidden now
I’d rather stay and suffer”

The lyrics have drawn a mixed reaction, with some listeners expressing discomfort over the subject matter. As the debate continues, fans and critics alike are left questioning the song’s intent and its place in NU LOOK’s repertoire. Whether or not the band addresses the controversy directly remains to be seen, but for now, the conversation around “COOKIE” is generating significant buzz.

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