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In Lauderdale Lakes, a confrontation captured by body cam and surveillance footage ended in the fatal shooting of 42-year-old Haitian club owner and promoter, Pedro “Lucky” Pierre by a Broward Sheriff’s deputy.

The incident, which unfolded at a local apartment complex, started when deputies responded to a disturbance. The body cam video revealed Pedro Pierre becoming aggressive towards a deputy, who tried to manage the situation with a taser and a baton, both proving ineffective. The situation escalated as Pierre and the deputy moved from the apartment to the courtyard, where Pierre continued to attack.

Surveillance footage captured Pierre striking and kicking the deputy, who was on the ground. Despite the deputy’s commands for Pierre to calm down, the aggression persisted. When a second deputy arrived, Pierre charged at him, leading to three shots being fired, fatally wounding Pierre.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel released the footage to clarify the circumstances surrounding the shooting, amid growing speculation and rumors on social media. He emphasized the necessity of the deputy’s actions, citing the risk of assailants taking officers’ weapons.

The incident has devastated Pierre’s family, who describe him as a peaceful person, father of five, entrepreneur, and former political candidate in Haiti. They indicated that Pierre had a past stroke and suffered from ongoing medical issues, which might have contributed to his behavior during the incident.

His family expressed deep sorrow and frustration, questioning why non-lethal methods weren’t used more effectively and critiquing the quick use of lethal force by the second deputy on the scene. They are now grappling with the portrayal of Pierre in the video versus the man they knew, seeking answers to how and why the situation escalated to such a tragic end.

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