This is a formal statement from the group CaRiMi, its members and management team in reference to rumors circulating in the media and websites throughout the World Wide Web.

First and foremost we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. We have just gotten back from a very successful trip abroad and stumbled upon some interesting and fictitious stories about the band and its members.

We would like to officially clear the air and squash these rumors before they get out of hand.

For the past three years our fans and our music have been our priority, thus we have concentrated solely on reaching our musical goals by working non-stop for the past three years with little or no rest and relaxation. During this time we have worked closely with one another almost as brothers in a family. Because of this tensions might flare, personalities might clash and disagreements might erupt.

While playing at a Los Angeles venue this past weekend a verbal disagreement ensued between Carlo Vieux and Mickael Guirand in regards to the way a particular song was being played during the performance. No Physical Altercation took place. None! In a venue filled by close to 700 people, all those in attendance can attest that nothing happened on stage. After the show with sound engineers and promoters there, a heightened conversation took place between these two band members and it went no further than just a verbal disagreement. The problem was rectified and everyone continued their daily routine.

No one in the CaRiMi camp has declared that they are no longer part of the group, no members have resigned and the band is still in tact and will continue to do what they do best, Play Music!

With a very vigorous schedule – a 15 day tour from Dominica, England, Haiti, California to Miami, covering approximately 35,000 miles, it is undoubtedly possible that tensions grow with such a demanding schedule. Hence, it has been decided that after the holidays and after our confirmed appearances in January, we will most definitely treat ourselves to a well deserved vacation.

Once again we would like to thank all our fans for their continuous support and appreciation of the band’s work, and we hope that this clears up any misunderstandings concerning CaRiMi.

Thank you again and Happy Holidays!


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