Actual letter at the end.

In a surprising turn of events within the Konpa music industry, Princess Georgy, a prominent member of the band Hangout, has been officially terminated from the group. The decision, which has sent shockwaves through the music community, was finalized after a majority vote by band members during a meeting that Georgy did not attend.

According to a letter delivered to Georgy Metellus, signed by Rulx Jerome, it was stated that her termination was effective immediately. The letter detailed several issues leading up to this decision, including multiple disciplinary notices and discussions regarding Georgy’s behavior over the past six months. The letter cited her habitual tardiness, unexcused absences from eight performances, over twenty rehearsals, and additional lateness to two performances. It also mentioned her “numerous unreasonable demands” which highlighted her unwillingness to cooperate with the band’s operational standards.

“Hangout relies on musicians who are punctual and conscientious about attendance and discipline. You have demonstrated an unacceptable pattern of behavior,” the letter expressed, confirming the irreconcilable differences between Georgy and the band’s expectations.

As a result of her termination, Georgy will not receive any severance pay, marking a stark end to her tenure with Hangout. This move raises questions about the future dynamics and performances of Hangout, as well as what steps Georgy Metellus will take in her musical career following this significant professional setback.

The band and Georgy have yet to make public statements beyond the contents of the termination letter. Fans and followers of Hangout and Princess Georgy are eagerly waiting for more details and future developments.

Mrs. Georgy Metellus

Dear Georgy Metellus:
This letter serves as a confirmation of our discussion and decision to terminate your employment with Hangout, effective immediately. You have received several disciplinary notices within the past six months in conjunction with conversations about your behavior. Unfortunately, we see no change in your performance. In the last year you have been late several times, absent without excuse on 8 performances, more than 20 rehearsal and late on 2 performances; your numerous unreasonable demands continually prove your unwillingness to corporate with Hangout.
Hangout relies on musicians who are punctual and conscientious about attendance and discipline. You have demonstrated an unacceptable pattern of behavior. Thus, we can no longer continue to work with you. This decision is effective immediately. You will not be paid any severance.

We wish you the best in your future.


Rulx Jerome

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