After Ralph Delly sat in a Miami court room for hours waiting for Alan Cave to show up, the judge presiding over the case, decided to issue another letter for Alan to appear to court, if Mr. Cave does not appear this time he warn that he will issue a bench warrant for the arrest of Alan Cave.

Mr. Delly has filed assault charges against the Haitian superstar for allegedly punching him during the Haitian Independence Day Festival that took place a couple of weeks ago in Miami. A letter was sent to Mr. Cave to appear in court today, but Mr. Cave was a no-show in the court room.

Another Haitian superstar, Sweet Micky, had a similar warrant issued against him on charges file by a New York promoter, but had to turn himself in before he was arrested by the NYPD. He is currently awaiting trial.

Due to the close relationship that Mr. Delly (former Zin’s spokesperson) and Mr. Cave had, many thought that they would have been able to work out an amicable conclusion to this incident; but according to Ralph Delly ” Alan think he is a superstar therefore he thinks he is above the law, he has not even called to apologize…if he misses the next court appointment, the judge warn that he will issue a warrant for his arrest”. explained Ralph Delly, a well known Haitian journalist.

Stay tuned for more development…

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