Alan Cave was destined for the stage and for a life in music. He is an artist born of artists. He lives of and for music. How could it have been otherwise? Art is what he knows and what he breaths. 

His late mother, Yanick, was a gifted painter whose work grace many walls in the US and in Haiti. She was also a poet, novelist, and decorator who taught Alan the importance of simplicity and clarity, a lesson that he skillfully applies to his songwriting. Yanick was also a singer though she kept that talent hidden but to a few of her close friends and family members.

Syto Cave, Alan’s father and mentor, not only enrolled his son to study with reputable music teachers and voice coaches, but he took Alan with him on tour to many countries.

As a teenager, Alan Cave was already well schooled in the art of entertaining the public.

For years, he had been watching backstage as his dad sang, recited poetry, and told stories from Port–au-Prince to Fort-de-France, to Pointe-à-Pitre, to Paris, to Montreal, and beyond.

Although his debut was an accidental event, Alan quickly learned to feel at home on the stage. One summer, while accompanying his father on tour, Alan was forced to jump on stage to fill in for a performer who had taken ill. That was in Martinique, where his father was performing alongside other artists as part of a large production. He performed Boulo Valcourt’s signature song “La pesonn“, penned by Syto Cave. At the end of that unscheduled performance, he had received a standing ovation, and realized that he was born to sing. That day, Alan Cave became a household name in Martinique. He was just Eighteen years old.

By the time Alan auditioned for ZIN, he not only was ready for the spotlight, but the spotlight was ready for him. By then, he had been playing his guitar and writing songs for years. ZIN is the vehicle that brought Alan Cave to the forefront of most Haitians’ consciousness. For almost twenty (20) years, Alan Cave has been the voice of ZIN but he has also established a different voice: his own.

That voice would have been heard no matter what. No one knows for sure how long it would have taken that voice to be identified as one deserving of attention. But one thing is certain; Alan Cave possesses a voice that commands attention. His is a voice that can not be denied.

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