Jean Herard Richard Drummer/Maestro of Zenglen
Miami, FL USA

Dear Mr. Richard:

This confirms my resignation as the keyboard player for Zenglen. It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation, effective April 30, 2008. I have accepted a position with Gabel, an opportunity to showcase my current musical goals.
It has been my genuine pleasure to work for Zenglen this past year. The band members of Zenglen are truly talented. It has been a joy working with all the band members. I will miss my associations here at Zenglen. I wish you and Zenglen continued success in all your endeavors.
Understanding that my departure may be an inconvenience, I am offering my assistance in the search or preparation of my replacement. Please know that I will gladly make myself available to this effort. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to perform in Zenglen. It has been much appreciated.

Daniel Eugene

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