On Monday night I had the opportunity to witness one of Phantoms’ rehearsal sessions. I got the invite from Jensen but had to think twice since it was a weeknight and I didn’t want to go there and ended up falling asleep. Once I started thinking this would give me the opportunity to see what the band had up their sleeves for the tour, I found the energy and decided to go.

On Monday night I had the opportunity to witness one of Phantoms’ rehearsal sessions. I got the invite from Jensen but had to think twice since it was a weeknight and I didn’t want to go there and ended up falling asleep. Once I started thinking this would give me the opportunity to see what the band had up their sleeves for the tour, I found the energy and decided to go.

When I got there I saw Lemy, Jean-Max, and Captain Jean. Soon after, Jensen showed up with a few other people. Before the rehearsal started, Jean-Max was trying to teach me how to play the Conga and I sucked at it big time so I decided to try the keys. Jean-Max was showing off his skills so I had to whip out one of my classics “Where is Mother” I left all of them at “awe” … or was it “awful”? Who cares? It was beautiful in my ears.

They were getting ready to start and by then Cassandra and Kino had made their entry. The air in there was a little thick at that point. Kino was a little distant from everybody but eventually, they all started letting their guards down and getting into the music.

They started with the song “Djazz la” and right there it took me back. The groove was off the hook but they really had me going when they played my favorite Phantoms’ song, “Mission Impossible” by then I was wide awake and enjoying myself. Zshea eventually showed up with her friend that she did the festival with last year (I can’t remember her name) and she got into the groove herself. I thought she was going to do one of her cartwheels or backflips.

As the band got more into the groove they started playing with so much passion as if nothing ever happened. They added more grooves and better hooks. Since this was one of many rehearsals to come, I only got to hear them practice Djazz la, Mission Impossible, Pa Bouje and Fwèt Kach. I hear there’s more in the works. They promised to invite me back to see Sharon, whom they’re still negotiating with.

During the song Fwet Kach, Kino started making jokes about Captain Jean because he has a part in the song where he’s saying a prayer for some well-known Phantoms’ fans who passed away like Don Mario … but since Captain Jean stutters, Kino told him to speak up clearly so people can understand what he saying don’t start “a” “a” “a.”

I had a great time hanging with them. Being there helped me understand what went wrong with the band in the first place. As time passed, Phantoms changed many faces and sounds but when you bring back the original sound, everything falls right back in place.

Overall, based on what I witnessed Monday night, I have to say I see a lot of potential for this tour. If they pack the same drive and passion I witnessed…it’ll be a resurrection.

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