Former Haitian saxophonist of the musical group “Les Shleu Shleu” Tony Moïse, 75, originally from Côtes de Fer, died following cardiovascular problems. In a press release Josette Darguste, the Acting Minister of Culture, said she was saddened by this cruel and regrettable loss.

“The disappearance of this singer, saxophonist and composer with unparalleled talent surprises us and breaks our hearts since we did not know he was sick. Until recently, he continued to distil, via social networks, for the delight of bulimic consumers of Compas, the legendary compositions of the rich discography of his orchestra of heart, the “Shleu Shleu”, skillfully maintained and improved by his dexterity.

Tony’s departure will undoubtedly leave a void that is difficult to fill in the Haitian cultural world. It is a whole section of Haitian music of the 1960s/1970s that will suffer because with him, the retro compass, a fortiori that of Shleu Shleu, was always conjugated in the present. And good music, it is rightly said, is timeless.

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