Since stepping into the spotlight with Zin in April 2005, Sandra has quickly made a name for herself as the band’s newest member. Known for her vibrant energy and powerful voice, Sandra is filling the big shoes left by former member Daphne Dary. Opa recently caught up with Sandra to discuss her debut with Zin, her experiences so far, and her journey in the music industry.

In this exclusive interview, Sandra shares her thoughts on joining Zin, her musical background, and how she’s handling the transition. She opens up about her past with the band TIZ, her unique vocal strengths, and the challenges of working with new bandmates. Read on to learn more about Sandra’s rise in the Haitian music scene and her personal insights into her new role.

Opa: Hello, Sandra. Opa would like to welcome you and thank you for this interview. With you stepping into Daphne Dary’s spot, how does it feel to be the new girl in Zin?

Sandra: I’ve always been a die-hard fan of Zin, so my excitement has been through the roof.

Opa: Some people are referring to you as Daphne’s replacement. How do you feel about that?

Sandra: I want to clarify that no disrespect is intended, but I don’t think any member of Zin can be replaced. I see myself as continuing the work Daphne started and aspiring to do it as well as she did.

Opa: How did you land the job? Were there auditions?

Sandra: Alex Abellard heard my vocals during some project discussions, and when Zin held open mic sessions on Sundays, I was invited. I participated on several Sundays until a decision was made.

Opa: How has working with Zin been for you?

Sandra: It’s a challenging yet exciting experience working with professionals I’ve admired since childhood. Everyone has been welcoming and professional.

Opa: You were previously a member of TIZ. What happened to that band?

Sandra: Unfortunately, the maestro of TIZ passed away suddenly, which led to a period of mourning. From what I understand, the remaining members are working on reviving TIZ to honor Dalbert’s memory.

Opa: Did you ever perform live with TIZ?

Sandra: Yes, I sang on their album and performed live with them.

Opa: Can you tell us about your musical background? Was TIZ your first band?

Sandra: I grew up singing in church and had a passion for Gospel, R&B, Pop, and Jazz, but always wanted to sing konpa. I ended up singing background for a few local Boston bands.

Opa: Do you think your height puts you at a disadvantage?

Sandra: I stopped worrying about my height after giving up the dream of being a runway model. Standing next to my bandmates on stage, I find it amusing how “mini” I appear. I laugh along with the jokes and don’t believe my height affects my vocal ability.

Opa: What do you consider your vocal strength?

Sandra: I have a strong low voice that blends well for background singing and is versatile enough to deliver a soulful lead performance.

Opa: There’s been some buzz online about your dance synchronization with Nia. Are there any internal issues?

Sandra: Nia and I don’t live in the same state, which makes practicing challenging. We’re working on improving our synchronization. Nia is very professional and friendly, and I believe it’s unfair to expect two people with different personalities to appear as best friends immediately.

Opa: How long have you been with Zin?

Sandra: I officially started in April.

Opa: (laughing) So, in four months, you haven’t had a chance to bond?

Sandra: (laughing) It’s not about being lost. We both have our own personalities. We’re working on improving our dance steps.

Opa: Do you think you can last a year with Zin?

Sandra: I believe in a higher power, so if I’m meant to last a year, I have the will and determination to do so.

Opa: Have you performed any solo songs yet?

Sandra: Yes, I’ve performed “Hasta La Vista” and “Padone’m.”

Opa: Is a solo song in the works for you?

Sandra: I haven’t been informed of any solo songs in the works for me.

Opa: Since you’re new to the industry, let’s get to know you better on a personal level. Are you ready for some quick questions?

Sandra: Yes.

Opa: When is your birthday and what’s your zodiac sign?

Sandra: I’m an Aquarius, born on February 4th.

Opa: Tell me about your educational background.

Sandra: I have a business degree.

Opa: Name three important people in your life.

Sandra: Aside from God, my daughter is number one, followed by my siblings and my parents.

Opa: Where were you born and raised?

Sandra: I was born in Haiti and raised in the United States.

Opa: What motivates you to start your day?

Sandra: My daughter.

Opa: What’s your favorite dish?

Sandra: Any type of seafood with lots of veggies.

Opa: What are two items you can’t live without?

Sandra: Prayer and water.

Opa: What has been your best performance with Zin so far?

Sandra: Any solo performance where I remember the lyrics and the sound mix is good has been great. I’ve had two such performances so far.

Opa: What’s your favorite place in the world?

Sandra: Anywhere with crystal clear blue ocean water.

Opa: What qualities do you look for in a man, both mentally and physically?

Sandra: I look for honesty, and I’m still searching.

Opa: Any significant other?

Sandra: I’m single but have a special someone in my heart.

Opa: What makes you smile?

Sandra: Kindness.

Opa: What makes you frown?

Sandra: Violence.

Opa: What role does music play in your life?

Sandra: Music is definitely a stress reliever.

Opa: Final words to your fans?

Sandra: I want to thank all the fans who are giving me a chance to shine in my new role as Zin’s vocalist. I respect all opinions, whether positive or negative, and encourage everyone to continue sharing their thoughts.

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