OpaMusic.com spoke with Nick about the comments made in regard to him leaving Zenglen and if there are indeed any problems in the Zenglen camp. Nicky admits he has been trying to set up a meeting with the band for a month now and the meeting has yet to take place. When I asked what is it he wanted to meet the band about?

Nickenson:: That’s like asking me what I want to meet my wife about. I’m not the one to discuss the band’s personal issues. I just want to meet with the band to discuss what is going on with the band and to bring up some issues that I have. Zenglen is my family because I spend more time with Zenglen than with my real family so I feel if I ask to meet with my family my wish should be granted.

OM:: What were you doing when you weren’t playing with the band?

Nickenson:: I was in the studio and doing research. I wasn’t on any other gigs.

OM:: Do you feel you are being treated like a gigger.

Nickenson:: I wouldn’t say they treat me like a gigger but by not arranging my meeting it makes me feel like I’m not a member. I need Zenglen just as much as Zenglen needs me. Zenglen made me because without Zenglen people wouldn’t know who Nickenson Prud’homme is and I’m thankful for that.

OM:: Who’s been replacing you when you are not there?

Nickenson:: The gentlemen name is Wilkens. And he’s been doing a great job, he’s a good keyboard player. I really appreciate him because when we contact him to replace me, he doesn’t hesitate.

OM:: Do you have any idea as to why you’re not getting a meeting?

Nickenson:: Bad management. This is one of the things that the band as a whole needs to address.

OM:: Who’s managing the band right now?

Nickenson:: Archil St. Hillaire and Brutus.

OM:: Are you contemplating leaving the band?

Nickenson:: As of right now, no. I just want to have a sit down with them.

OM:: Do you think people might start thinking your head is getting big due to the success of your solo album and that might be the reason you’ve MIA?

Nickeson:: I don’t want people to think my head is getting big or “mwen gen folie superstar.” That is not my intention at all. I didn’t even want to release an album and I doubt it I will release a second one at this point.

OM:: Did you just not show up for gigs or did you alert them?

Nickenson:: I told them I wouldn’t be practicing or show up for gigs if no meeting was set. They knew in advance.

OM:: Your fans have noticed.

Nickenson:: And I apologize sincerely for that. I hate to let my fans down but some times you have to stand your grounds. I thank the fans for their support and hopefully, this issue will be resolved very soon.

OM:: Will you be there tomorrow as Zenglen face off with Nu Look?

Nickenson:: Yes I will there.

OM:: Sorry I had to call you on this note.

Nickeson:: that’s ok, somebody already alerted me of what was going on the board.

OM:: (LOL) As always, it’s a pleasure talking to you.

Nickenson:: Like wise.

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