In a candid discussion with, Nickenson, a key member of the popular band Zenglen, opened up about the swirling rumors of his departure and the apparent internal discord within the band. Here’s what he had to say:

OM: There have been comments about you leaving Zenglen. Are there issues within the band?

Nickenson: I’ve been trying to set up a meeting with the band for a month now, and it hasn’t happened yet. Zenglen is like my family; I spend more time with them than my actual family. When I ask to meet, I feel it should be granted.

OM: What have you been up to in the meantime?

Nickenson: I’ve been in the studio and doing research. No other gigs.

OM: Do you feel sidelined by the band?

Nickenson: Not exactly sidelined, but the delay in meeting does make me feel somewhat excluded. I need Zenglen as much as they need me. Without them, I wouldn’t be known as I am today.

OM: Who has been filling in for you?

Nickenson: A gentleman named Wilkens has been covering for me. He’s a great keyboard player and very reliable.

OM: Why do you think the meeting hasn’t been set up?

Nickenson: I believe it’s due to poor management, which we need to address as a band.

OM: Who is managing Zenglen now?

Nickenson: The management is currently under Archil St. Hillaire and Brutus.

OM: Are you planning to leave Zenglen?

Nickenson: As of now, no. I’m seeking a sit-down with them to sort things out.

OM: Is there concern that people might think you’re letting success get to your head?

Nickenson: I don’t want anyone to think I have a “superstar attitude.” That’s not my intention. I’m not even focused on solo projects right now.

OM: Have you been missing gigs?

Nickenson: I’ve informed them that I wouldn’t be available for practice or gigs unless we have that meeting. They were aware of this.

OM: What would you like to say to your fans who’ve noticed your absence?

Nickenson: I sincerely apologize for any disappointment. Sometimes, you have to stand your ground, but I am grateful for their support and hope this will be resolved soon.

OM: Will you be present for Zenglen’s upcoming face-off with Nu Look?

Nickenson: Yes, I will be there.

OM: It’s always a pleasure talking to you, even under these circumstances.

Nickenson: Likewise. And thank you for addressing these issues.

Through this interview, Nickenson hopes to clarify his position and reaffirm his commitment to his band and fans. Despite the rumors and the uncertainty surrounding his role in Zenglen, his focus remains on reconciliation and moving forward with the band.

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