Lè istwa sou Rutshelle, Trouble Boy  ak Roody te soti, chak nan yo te ale nan yon anpil nan entèvyou eksepte pou Trouble Boy ki te kenbe silans li … li finalman ap pale ak OpaMusic.com de karyè li, fanmi ak plis ankò.

Di nou yon ti kras de tèt ou, kòmanse avèk vrè non ou ak poukisa ou chwazi non atis Touble Boy la?

Vrè non mwen se Jolissaint Seyè Wensky. Mwen te chwazi Non Touble Boy lan paske le mwen tap grandi Mwen pa t ‘reyèlman gen anpil estabilite nan kay mwen. Mwen te kon bay pwoblèm se swa map bay pwoblèm oswa anpeche li.

A ki laj ou te komanse jwe nan mizik?

Mwen pa sonje egzakteman ki laj mwen te komanse nan mizik men mwen te toujou ap fè mizik depi m ‘te tou piti.. Atis prefere’m se  te Lil Bow Wow. Li te zidòl mwen le mwen tap grandi. Lè sa mwen te kon itilize non Lil Wensky. Apre manman m mouri nan 2009, mwen lage yon mizik ki rele Moto. Mwen pa t ‘panse anpil ak li, jouk tan mwen tande l’ sou radyo san mwen pat distribye li. Mwen te oblije chanje non mwen Lil Wensky mwen vin Trouble Boy paske mwen pat vle papa m konnen se te mwen menm. apre sa anpil moun te kòmanse apwoche m ‘mande pou yo pwodwi m’ ak travay avè m ‘ak sa a, se konsa li te kòmanse.

Ki laj ou?

Mwen gen 26.

Akote de rap, ki lòt bagay ou fè mizikal?

Mwen ekri epi pwodui pou lòt moun. Mwen ede soti yon anpil nan atis jèn.

Ki mizik ki pi gwo hit ou fe?

Mwen panse ke Vwazin Nan ak Moto.

Èske chante sa a, Vwazin Nan se de yon moun reyèl?

Vwazin Nan se de yon zanmi’m, se dezyèm mizik mwen te ekri sou li. Se pa sa piblik la te panse li te ye a.

Pa lontan sa ou fe anpil bri nan Vil New York; Boston, Miami apre bri te kouri nouvèl te kraze sou ou, Rutshelle ak Roody. Poukisa ou pat pran avantaj de sa tankou de lòt yo pou vwayaje nan vil sa yo?

Mwen te resevwa anpil ofri deja men kondisyon yo pa t ‘bon pou mwen. Le mwen jwenn yon bon kondisyon tout moun nan New York, Boston, Miami pral jwenn mwen.

Oke nou te tout tande bri ki tap kouri yo ak wè screen shots yo ant ou menm ak chantè fi ti rele Rutshelle ki te menaj zanmi ou Roody … eske  screen shots ant ou menm ak Rutshelle reyèl oswa photoshop?

Mwen pa janm te di se pa t ‘m’ nan screen shots men ki sa moun yo pa konnen se pa tout nan konvèsasyon yo te avè m ‘. Mwen pa t ‘ale lwen nan konvèsasyon ak li konsa.

Poukisa ou pa te defann tèt ou lè sa a?

Poukisa mwen ta dwe defann tèt mwen? Mwen pat devan yon jij. Se te yon rimè ak kòm yon kesyon de reyalite li pa t ‘fè m’ anyen. Paske nan biznis sa bon nouvèl, move nouvèl, toujou nouvèl. Nan konmansman, mwen te anmande pa li men konyea a, mwen reyèlman pa care.

Eske ou menm ak Rutshelle te janm ansanm?

No!! Mwen pa janm avè l ‘.

Èske nou twa  toujou zanmi?

Mwen toujou zanmi ak Rutshelle, nou toujou pale men nou pa pale menmjan. Mwen pa te wè Roody pou anpil tan jiska dènyèman; nou pat pale ak lòt.

Ou panse sitiyasyon an sou kouvri talan ou?  Ki jan ou ka fe moun yo bliye bliye ensidan an antye ak konsantre sou ou?

Mwen te fè Buzz anvan rimè la te kòmanse Se konsa, mwen pa pwal touye tèt mwen sou li. Mwen jis gen pou van talan mwen pi plis ak pèp la. Mwen ta pito pa kontinye ap pale de sitiyasyon an paske yon sèl kesyon mennen nan yon lòt. Moun yo rele nou Vwazen / Vwazin nan piblik la. Mwen espere moun yo bliye bagay sa a.

Èske w te tande pale sou fim nan k ap vini rele Vwazin Nan?

Mwen te tande sou fim nan men mwen pa konprann li paske yo itilize imaj mwen ‘yo, mizik mwen epi pèsonn pa kontakte m. Mwen pa panse sa yo ap fè legal. Mwen panse nou twa ta dwe kontakte avoka.

Ki jan relasyon ou menm ak papa ou ye jodi a?

Nou pa pale depi manman m’ te mouri.

Èske ou ta renmen animés relasyon ki genyen ant ou menm ak papa ou?

Se pa ke mwen pa ka jwenn nimewo l ‘, li mwen konnen li mank m’, men mwen pral fè sa.

Konbyen frè ak sè ou genyen?

Mwen gen 4 sè mwen se sel gacon.

Ki jan Kanaval ou ap fè?

Li fè trè byen. Li nan 30,000 downloads. LOL

Eske ou pral sou Beton an ane sa a?

Mwen toujou ale oui men ane sa mwen pa prale. Mwen pa te vrèman pare ane sa a men ane pwochèn mwen ta dwe vini tounen pi gwo ak pi byen.

Ki sa ou pwal mete deyo la??

Premye mwen pral lage yon videyo.

Sou album kap vini ou an ki lòt atis kap sou li?

Sou album kap vini m ‘mwen gen Rutshelle, Flav, Power Surge… mwen pa sonje tout nan moman an.

Mèsi anpil, Trouble Boy!


Tell us a little about yourself by starting with your real name and why did you choose the artist name Trouble Boy?

My real name is Jolissaint Lord Wensky. I chose the stage name Trouble Boy because growing up I didn’t really have much stability in my household so I was either causing trouble or preventing it.

At what age did you get into music?

I don’t remember exactly at what age I got into music but I’ve been doing music since I was a little kid. I use to interpret Lil Bow Wow a lot because he was my idol growing up. Back then i use to go by Lil Wensky. After my mother died in 2009, I released a single that year named Motto. I didn’t think much of it until I heard it on the radio without me ever distributing it. I had to change my name from Lil Wensky to Trouble Boy so my dad wouldn’t find out it was me. Soon after a lot of people started approaching me asking to produce me and work with me and that’s how it started.

How old are you?

I’m 26.

Aside from rapping, what else do you do musically?

I write and produce for other people. I help out a lot of young artists.

What’s your biggest hit so far?

I think its Vwazin Nan and then Motto.

Is the song Vwazin Nan based on a real person?

Vwazin Nan is based on a friend of mine I use to like and this is the second song I’ve written about her. It’s not what the public thought it was at all. She wasn’t really my neighbor.

You’ve been making a lot of noise in New York City; Boston, Miami etc after that whole news broke about you, Rutshelle and Roody. Why haven’t you taken advantage of it like the other two have by traveling to these cities?

I’ve received a lot of offers already but the conditions weren’t right for me. As soon as I get the right condition; everyone from New York, Boston,  Miami and the rest of the US fans will get to see me perform. It’s about time that I make that move, so very soon.


Well we’ve all heard the rumors and seen the screen shots between you and the female singer
Rutshelle who was then dating your friend Roody… were the screen shots between you and Rutshelle real or altered?

I never said that wasn’t me in the screen shots but what the people don’t know is; not all of the conversations were with me. I didn’t go that far in my conversations with her.

Why didn’t you defend yourself then?

Why should I defend myself?  I wasn’t in front of a judge. It was a rumor and as a matter of fact it didn’t hurt me at all. In this business good news, bad news, still news. In the beginning I was bothered by it but now I really don’t care.

Were you and Rutshelle ever together?

Never! I was never with her.

Are you guys still friends?

I’m still friends with Rutshelle we still talk but we don’t talk like we used to. I haven’t seen Roody that much until recently; we didn’t acknowledge each other.

Do you think the situation over shadowed your talent and how do you plan on getting the people to forget the whole incident and focus on you?

I was making buzz before the rumor started so I’m not going to kill myself over it. I just have to market my talent more and the people will come around. I’d rather not continue talking about the situation because one question leads to another and people are calling us Vwazen/Vwazin in public. I hope in due time people will forget this thing.

Have you heard about the upcoming movie called Vwazin Nan?

I’ve heard about the movie but I don’t understand it yet because they used my image, my music and nobody ever got in contact with me about that. I don’t think what they’re doing is legal at all and if anything all three of us should be contacting lawyers.

How’s the relationship between you and your father today?

We haven’t spoken since my mother died.

Would you like to rekindle the relationship between you and your father?

It’s not that I can’t get his number and I know he misses me but I will do that really soon.

How many siblings do you have?

I have 4 sisters I’m the only boy.

How’s your new Kanaval doing?

It’s doing very well so far it at 30,000 downloads. I’m looking good LOL

Are you going to be on the Beton Kanaval this year?

I’m usually there but this year I won’t be. I wasn’t really prepared this year but look out for next year I should be coming back bigger and better.

What are you putting out next?

First I’m going to release a video.

On your upcoming album what other artists are featured on it?

On my upcoming album I have Rutshelle, Flav, Power Surge and more.

Thank you so much, Trouble Boy!

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