Four months ago, Konpa direk music lovers and fans everywhere were shocked to learn the news of the departure of K-Dans’ founding member and lead vocalist, Jude Jean. For over a decade, Jean was the face of the band. Konpa Factory, which only has been managing the band for a few months, did not wait for long and In less than two weeks after the rumor started to circulate, they organized a press conference to present to their fans a young man new to Haitian music industry: Marc Endy Talon, with the stage name, Mac D. We got a chance to sit down with Mac D to ask him a few questions. With Jude Jean’s departure, he has big shoes to fill, will he be able to compensate for his predecessor?

Good morning, Mac D, thank you for agreeing to do this interview with us. To get the ball rolling, can you give us a little background? Let’s start with your origins and your childhood.

Mac D – I came into the world on September 25, 1985. I was 3 months old when my parents were divorced. So I grew up with my grandmother. From the age of eight, I was already drawn to Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams, and Marc Anthony. At the age of fourteen, I performed a song at my school during a graduation ceremony. On August 15, 2003,  we formed the Diginice. It is a group of buddies with whom I grew up. On the keyboards were my cousins Fénélon Bouzi and Donald Rouchon, Marcus Coulanges played guitar, Pierre Roldy took care of the bass and Ti Do on drums. Donald’s father, Carny Rouchon was the producer of the Group. We have had the privilege of performing in the city of Etzer Vilaire, Jérémie and Nissage Saget, Saint Marc alongside some of the most prominent bands such as Tropicana and Zenglen.

What about your relationship with the members of Diginice?

Mac D – They’re perfect, because there’s never been any disagreement between us. The group was going through a rather difficult period and some members had commitments to respect elsewhere. Fenelon Bouzi went to honor a contract with a cousin of Daan Junior. The other members had to take time to devote themselves to their school activities. Our ambition was to make Diginice one of the largest Haitian music groups. But like any young music band, we had trouble finding sponsors, so the progression was not easy. For me, Diginice is a family affair, I will always remain anchored in it.

Apart from music, what other activities do you do? Does Mac D practice a sport, another artistic activity?

Mac D – Sometimes I wear a poet’s hat to express the feelings that cross me. At the same time, I play the piano. Soon, before the summer holidays, I intend to publish a CD that will include a set of 10 personal texts on a musical background. My texts mostly reflect bitterness because I am rather sensitive nature. I am also told that I am a good dancer. On the sport side, although my preference and my aptitudes are towards football, I prefer to play basketball because I do better. I also like the motorcycle. In general, I practice physical culture, without too much exaggeration.

Tell us, how did you integrate into the ranks of K-Dans?

Mac D – On January 2 of the current year, one of the members of K-Dans contacted me to announce that the group’s administrative team wanted to meet me. Being informed as everyone else of the departure of Jude Jean, I immediately understood where they wanted to go and I talked to my colleagues in Diginice, telling them that I was not really interested in the offer . To my surprise, they were unanimous in encouraging me to try my luck because, since Diginice ‘s activities had stalled for some time, I had no reason not to join another group, was acting from K-Dans, a group that marked our generation. After a single hearing, among several other candidates, I had the privilege of being chosen.

How were you welcomed by your new teammates?

Mac D – So far everything works like clockwork. I feel well surrounded and my new buddies consider me to be the youngest of the family. I get along very well with all the members, especially with Romane. Hypocrisy does not exist within us, solidarity reigns supreme. My only problem is that I am teased more than I want, which is actually the result of the warm and friendly atmosphere that exists within K-Dans.

The legacy bequeathed by Jude Jean, is not it heavy to bear?

Mac D – I’m not trying to brag, but with my own style I feel I can lead the group. It is a pride for me to have been called to supply the departure of a singer of the caliber of Jude Jean.

You heard on a radio station that you do not pretend to want to replace Jude JEAN. Yet in fact, you replace it. What are your feelings by interpreting in different ways the songs that he once sang?

Mac D – I do not intend, let alone claim to replace Jude JEAN. Jude is a great singer, a reference in Haitian music. He did something that few singers of his generation have succeeded: he came alive in the legend of the direct compass. I currently contribute my personal contribution to the group and nothing more.

Have there been any special demands made by the managers of K-Dans both in your performances in public and in your attire? Is your contract limited in time?

Mac D – I do not have a contract with the group, because I do not want to move in the group with the impression of doing a job. I am part of the group without any limitation in the same way as all the others. Not once have I been approached directly or not on any aspect related to my attire or my look. The members of the group and the management staff allow me to evolve at my own pace and in my own style. I am simple and uncomplicated. However, I will never allow anybody to impose on me any mode of evolution.

What is your vision of the Compass after fifty years of existence?

Mac D – My vision of Compass Direct is recent. It only dates from the recording of the live album of K-Dans that will be released soon. In my view, the Compass framework needs to be expanded. Haitian musicians should avoid performing only in dancing evenings. We must begin by presenting concerts in such a way as to enable the overseas peoples to appreciate, at its proper value and from a better angle, the music of our country, which is our pride beyond our borders.

Are you currently an attraction for the Haitian public? What do you intend to do to continue to be and retain an audience that learns to know you?

Mac D – The public can expect a lot of surprises. I want to keep him in suspense. One thing is certain: what I reserve for the Haitian public will satisfy it amply because I have many strings to my bow that I intend to unveil in the projects that I will execute with K-Dans.

Can we hope to find compositions that are peculiar to you on the next album of K-Dans?

Mac D – The next album that K-Dans will record in the studio, will include 4 compositions that are mine. Two of these titles are Friendship trò piti and 20 years which is the story of Romane Ferdinand and his wife, 10 years of pre-nuptial love relationships and 10 years of marriage. The album will be released before the summer holidays and will feature 12 tracks.

Tell us about K-Dans’s future projects for the public who is waiting impatiently.

Mac D – We have two albums to appear in 2006: a live CD that is already finished and ready to release in the next few days and the studio album I mentioned earlier. The live album will include six pieces of anthology that are: An tout franchiz, Jalou, Destiny, Casino, Ki lang or palé and Malachong that I will sing in duet with King D.

K-Dans was expected to be released with the two D: King and Mac for the 2006 Carnival. We do not know why, the group was not present either on the course or on the waves. Can you explain the reasons for this absence?

Mac D – The time between the redesign of the group and the carnival parade was too tight. K-in musicians, as accomplished professionals, understood that it would not be serious to rush things, at the risk of giving something that would not be to the reputation of the group. It was decided to give priority to compliance with certain contracts negotiated in advance. Next year, we will be present on the course of the carnival with a meringue worthy of our reputation. Besides, we have already begun to work on it.

Do you have a model in Haitian music?

Mac D – I have several and I will quote them. In the first place, Roger Colas. Followed in disorder: Réginald Cangé, Carlo Vieux, Ti Pay, Jude Jean, Tifane, Martine Marseille and Emeline Michel.

Is there also on the international level?

Mac D – Certainly! Michael Jackson, Marc Anthony, Bryan Adams, Andrea Bocelli, Garou, Orlane, Jocelyne Labille, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, just to name a few.

Haitian culture has several musical rhythms. Why did you choose the compas?

Mac D – Before the formation of Diginice, I sang the R and B. However, if a Haitian singer wants to get a place in the sun of our music industry, he must necessarily pass through the Compass. I feel more at ease when I sing the compass. I have this rhythm in my blood and it comes to me from the bottom of my soul! The music Racine, I do not know enough to interpret it, but I inquire!

Is there someone who shares Mac D’s life?

Mac D – For a year and a half, my heart belongs to a lovely girl named Bélissa. It is a very serious relationship that I protect as much as I can so that the bond that unites us remains eternal. We are very close and have no secrets from each other.

What is your favorite type of woman?

Mac D – I like a woman to be cool, not very demanding, who does not take things lightly and believes in what she does. Physical side, I have a weakness for sexy women!

What is the origin of the problem between Mac D and the band Take Off?

Mac D – What is the name of this group? Take Over, Take On or Take Off? I’m not too familiar with this band. I am told that they have spoken much negatively of me in their carnival. But I do not feel at all interested in any controversy with people I do not even know. I have heard that they have talent. I, therefore, wish them more work to make themselves better known in the community.

Let us now go to the lighter questions: Your best quality?

Mac D – I’m understanding

Your worse quality?

Mac D – Neglect and jealous.

What do you look for in the other?

Mac D – Attention, Love and Humor.

What do you hate?

Mac D – Hypocrisy, Lying, Pretentiousness

Favorite meal?

Mac D – Griot with salad. Before it was spaghetti, but not now because I ate so much that I can not stand it anymore.

What makes you happy?

Mac D – Music and when I’m on good terms with my mother

What makes you sad?

Mac D – To have been raised far from the affection of my parents.

If you were rich, what would you do?

Mac D – A popular canteen in Cité Soleil. Then I would bring 22 children and buy a 12-meter table so that the whole family could sit comfortably and eat their fill.


Thank you, Mac D for sitting with us.

My pleasure.

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