The Princess answers some questions regarding the latest buzz circulating on the web about her and Pouchon from Djakout Mizik. She also shares updates on the situation with her bandmate Cleona Pierre, amidst rumors of a rift between them.

Opa: Hey, Georgy! What’s going on?

Georgy: Hi, Opa! I see you’re having a good time, Opa. (laughing)

Opa: Me? You’re the one making all the buzz.

Georgy: Really?

Opa: Really! As if you didn’t know.

Georgy: (Laughing) Tell me, what buzz?

Opa: First things first, Georgy. How’s Hangout doing?

Georgy: We’re doing great! We’re booked back-to-back. We recently toured Paris for a week. The fans gave us some great feedback on the tour. We’re going to Haiti soon, and we’ve toured New York and Boston. We’re doing great; we’re on top of our game.

Opa: Well, when you’re on top of your game, you tend to make a lot of buzz. For example, this past week, the hottest thing on the net was your alleged rolling in the sheets with Djakout Mizik’s lead vocalist Pouchon Duverger and leaving a profane message on his voicemail. You’ve denied these allegations to me and even told me you heard Opa was the main source of the rumor. What really happened?

Georgy: I think a lot of people in the media are just out to destroy people who are doing positive things. These people don’t have a place in the community because they’re just here for the negative. Jolie has something against me because a person can’t just get up and target another like that. She’s been targeting me for no reason since I was in Zin.

She’s never written anything positive about me; it’s always negative. But good news or bad news, it’s all just promotion. In a way, I thank her for the promotion she’s giving me. She probably thought this kind of news would destroy me, but I’m stronger than that; she can’t destroy me. By attacking me, she’s showing me that I’m one of the best female singers out there.

I’ve become an asset to her because she chose me. I never gave this woman any interview about me being with Pouchon. And regardless, it’s my body. If she wants to portray me as Queen Bee, it’s okay because I know why she’s doing it. She was checking me out; she wanted to get down with me, and I told her I don’t go that way.

Opa: Checking you out?

Georgy: SHE’S GAY! THE GIRL IS GAY, OK! Let me tell you… she’s gay! Don’t let her fool you, alright! She wanted me to get down with her in an orgy. She got mad because I rejected her. She told me she was going to blackmail me with anything she hears about me.

She warned me about it. She’s just trying to build her website. She told me Haiti Net Radio, Kompa Magazine, and Opa were the ones spreading the news. When I contacted the three parties, they denied it and told me the story is on her site. I think she needs a psychiatrist. And if she keeps going like this, I’m going to sue her and anyone who’s spreading false rumors about me.

Opa: Georgy, you are losing more weight, and don’t you dare think for one second that I’m checking you out. I don’t play on that court. But I have to give you the credit.

Georgy: Thank you (laughing)

Cheyna: Georgy, were you really with Pouchon?

Georgy: Opa, NO! And again, even if I was… it’s my body! I don’t know why this woman is saying I’m sleeping with Pouchon and James.

Opa: Hold up, Opa is not that innocent either. Opa is the one who spread the James rumor. Teledjol said you’re with James, and Teledjol gossips are usually on point. Are you really dating James?

Georgy: (grinning) No… James and I are just friends. We’ve been friends for a long time. Ever since I was in Zin, he’s always supported me as an artist and vice versa.

Opa: Why is it that all of James’ girls always say with the same expression on their face when asked… “We’re just friends”?

Georgy: What other girls?

Opa: I thought you weren’t with him… why do you care? (laughing) The new video you’re about to release, who’s the leading man?

Georgy: We’re still casting.

Opa: Is James a potential leading man?

Georgy: It’s a surprise. I don’t want to give too much away. I just wanted somebody who resembles Alan, but the people I have in mind are not even Haitian.

Opa: Are they Italian?

Georgy: (Laughing hysterically) No!

Opa: Who do you want to be the leading man?

Georgy: Why do you keep asking the same question?

Opa: Since you’re looking for someone who looks like Alan, let me give you a piece of advice… James doesn’t look like Alan, his lips aren’t like Alan’s, and he sure can’t sing like Alan.

Georgy: Opa (laughing)

Opa: Georgy, why are you sweating?

Georgy: (Laughing) I’m not! You’re so crazy. I know Alan is a great singer; I could never replace him in that sense, and that’s not what I’m looking to do.

Opa: I heard you’ve been docked many times from Hangout for being late. Is that true?

Georgy: I’m a woman; it takes time. All a man has to do is throw on a shirt, but women have to work a little harder. I like to treat myself by going to the spa, getting my hair and nails done, and getting a massage to look good for my fans, and that takes time.

Opa: I guess that’s why the ladies and the guys are checking you out. Especially with that kick that’s becoming so famous, not to mention “ti zye.”

Georgy: What ti-zye?

Opa: When you close your eyes like you’re having sex on stage.

Georgy: I don’t do that.

Opa: You don’t do that?

Georgy: When do I do that?

Opa: “When do I do that”? I thought you just said you don’t.

Georgy: I do, but it’s because I’m getting in the groove. I don’t even realize what I’m doing.

Opa: Well, Georgy, you know how they say you’re always late, so let me let you go before I have to reimburse you for the night. Before you go, what do you want to say to your fans?

Georgy: I want to thank you, Cheyna, and my fans. I love you (blowing a kiss) and thank you for your support. As long as you’re supporting me, those negative people will never succeed with their hidden agendas.

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