In this interview, Azor, the lead singer of Racine Mapou de Azor, speaks freely about his beliefs and freedom of religion. Why did Racine de Mapou Azor receive a gold medallion in Japan? What is the meaning behind the name Racine de Mapou Azor? What does Azor foresee for the future of Racine? Find out in this exclusive interview.

Hi Mapou, how is your tour going so far?

AZOR: It is a great pleasure for me to conduct this interview with you. I tip my hat to you, and I would also like to say hello to all the fans of Racine de Mapou Azor. I am delighted to have finally found the opportunity to greet my fans in New York.

How was Racine de Mapou Azor’s first trip to New York?

AZOR: Our tour has been a great success, and we had a tight schedule the entire week. We were in Boston on Sunday; Monday and Tuesday, we played at Brasserie Creole; Wednesday through today, we are playing here at Le Prive Night Club; and Friday, we will bid farewell with Phantoms Band. We will then fly to Miami for the last performance of this tour. The outcome has been really great and overwhelming. I thank Geronimo for his great efforts and my fans, who welcomed me with open arms. The love and admiration they have shown me will inspire me to bring them “more goodies” next year.

You emphasize the love of your fans. Do you work only to satisfy your existing fans, or are you targeting new ones?

AZOR: I am working to please my existing fans and at the same time targeting new ones.

Do you think this tour has increased your popularity?

AZOR: Yes, definitely. Look at the turnout on a rainy Thursday night; I did not expect so many people to come. Some people who are here tonight have been with us all week. We were originally scheduled to perform on November 2, 2000, but we ran into some unfortunate difficulties with the American Embassy. I did not know what to expect from the fans after the canceled event. I want to thank them for understanding our situation and supporting us throughout the week.

What is the meaning behind the name Racine de Mapou Azor?

AZOR: Racine is the rhythm of our culture, and Mapou represents the strongest roots of all roots. For example, in Leogane, they often say if you don’t have the roots of Mapou, don’t frequent the area. Racine de Mapou Azor governs all of our ancestors’ roots.

So, in other words, Mapou is the leader of the Racine?

AZOR: Yes, Racine de Mapou Azor is the leader of Racine.

What are your dreams for the group Racine de Mapou Azor?

AZOR: One of my dreams has come true because we recently received a Golden Medallion in Japan for the album “Samba Move.” I am extremely proud to have received such an honor. We have visited Japan, Chile, Canada, Miami, and other places. To answer your question more directly, my dreams are coming true with our accomplishments.

Give us some more insight into the award you received in Japan.

AZOR: Racine de Mapou Azor received a Golden Medallion in Japan for our artistic value. The attendees at this award show varied from many countries, such as Honduras, Japan, and many artists, including Harold Faustin and other Racine groups from Canada.

How do you feel about the success of Racine de Mapou Azor? Did you predict such success?

AZOR: I had foreseen such success for Racine de Mapou Azor because I knew we were giving the fans something they longed for and needed. Our success brings joy to my heart because I now see that we are coming to terms with and accepting our heritage, and we are cherishing our culture the same way other nations do.

What is the difference between Racine de Mapou Azor and other Racine groups, like Boukan Guinen and Kanpech?

AZOR: Mapou is different from Boukan Guinen, Chandel, and the others because my songs and performances come from my soul and are inspired by my ancestors. The other Racine bands are another version of Compas. As you can see, we don’t use any musical instruments because the spirits must hear the calling through the beat of the congas.

Do you think the popularity of the Racine rhythm will decrease or increase in the coming years? Do you think our youth are adapting more to other nationalities?

AZOR: Racine de Mapou Azor will keep the rhythm of Racine going, and it will increase. Kanpech, Koudjay, and others have spent up to six months without a performance; we are the only Racine band that performs every week, whether in Jacmel, Jeremie, etc. Receiving the Golden Medallion in Japan proved the growth of Racine, and we can only expect more growth and success.

What is the next step for Racine de Mapou Azor?

AZOR: Each year, we come out with a good solid song, such as “Voisin” (humming) “Voisin an di’m se vagabond, pou’m al pouse bouret,” which was a hit. We then followed it up with the song “Sanmba” (humming) “Samnba ou di ou sanmba ou poko sanmba,” and in 1998, we released “Reglemen,” which was also a hit. Our next productions will be even deeper and better than the previous ones I mentioned. Any song that I introduce to the public must make me shed tears while I am writing it; if it does not, then I will not release it. Each of my songs is an antidote. A fan might be going through some turmoil, and while listening to my song, they will find the cure and the answer to their sorrows. What is next for Racine Mapou de Azor, you ask? We will continue being what we are now, the leaders of Racine, and keep providing help to those in need and helping them get in touch with their roots and ancestors.

Any last words for your fans?

AZOR: Hope for my health so that I can continue working for you. I thank all of you who supported me and helped make this tour a great event. Geronimo and the others, I thank you.

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