In an exclusive conversation, Carimi manager Fito Farinen discusses the group’s current status, challenges, and future plans. Below is a summary of his insights on key topics:

1. State of Morale in Carimi

Fito acknowledged that 2004 has been a demanding year for the band, with extensive touring and performances across the UK, Dominica, and the Antilles. Despite the exhaustion, Carimi’s morale remains high due to the overwhelming fan support and satisfaction they’ve received at each performance.

2. Handling Success

Carimi has experienced rapid success over the past three years, especially in the Caribbean, Europe, and the U.S. Fito emphasized that the band is still learning to handle this success and remains focused on maintaining their momentum through hard work and dedication.

3. The Incident Between Carlo and Mickael

Addressing a recent conflict between Carlo Vieux and Mickael in Los Angeles, Fito explained that tensions were high due to the group’s demanding schedule. He likened the situation to a sibling argument and stated that it has been resolved.

4. Carlo Vieux’s Reputation

Fito dispelled rumors that Carlo is the “bad boy” of the Haitian Music Industry (HMI), noting that Carlo’s bluntness may be misunderstood by others. He described Carlo as a down-to-earth individual whose actions are often taken out of context, leading to unwanted media attention.

5. Relations with Konpa Kreyol and T-Vice

Fito acknowledged the challenges of competing with bands like Konpa Kreyol and T-Vice, noting that any division within the small HMI community can be detrimental. However, he emphasized that respect and professionalism come first, and time will reveal how these relationships evolve.

6. Rivalry Rumors

Fito addressed rumors that Konpa Kreyol and T-Vice are teaming up against Carimi due to the band’s current popularity. While acknowledging the competitive nature of the industry, he expressed confidence that Carimi is prepared for any challenge.

7. Is Carimi the Number One Band?

Fito humbly stated that while Carimi is among the top bands in the HMI, only the fans can determine which band holds the number one spot.

8. Management Turmoil

Responding to claims that the band’s turmoil began after he took over as manager, Fito rejected the notion. He pointed out that success and growth naturally come with challenges and that management is only one part of the equation.

9. Best and Worst Memories of Live Performances

Fito’s best memory was Carimi’s performance at Olympia in Paris, where he felt chills and recognized the significance of the moment. As for the worst memory, he did not elaborate, preferring to focus on the positive.

10. Montreal Performance Issues

Carimi has faced challenges in Montreal due to a misunderstanding with a promoter. Fito confirmed that the situation is under investigation, and the band is working to resolve the issue.

11. Final Words

Fito expressed pride in Carimi’s accomplishments and their mission to spread Haitian culture globally. He thanked the fans for their continued support and promised that Carimi would keep representing Haitian music to the fullest.

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