Shedly Abraham, a name synonymous with rhythm and versatility in the Haitian music industry, opens up about his journey, his inspirations, and the drive that has propelled him to become one of the most sought-after drummers in the industry. His musical path has been one of relentless passion, hard work, and a deep connection to his roots, drawing inspiration from his father and other notable musicians. Here’s a deeper look into Shedly’s rise, his artistic choices, and his views on life and the music industry.

A Musical Start

Shedly began his journey into music at the tender age of 10, inspired by his father, Raphael Abraham, a trumpet player for the legendary Tropicana D’Haiti. He spent his early years performing in church, developing his skills on the drums. By 15, he had made his first public appearance in a local compas band called “Jakaz” and later participated in Lakol D’Haiti, a group formed by renowned Haitian musicians such as Jean Max Valcourt and Arly Lariviere. His passion for drumming was evident even at a young age, often astonishing audiences with his petite stature and impressive talent behind the drums.

Although drums were not the instrument of choice expected by many, Shedly’s affinity for the instrument was strong. His father’s trumpet legacy may have loomed over him, but Shedly carved out his own path, making the drums his own and later mastering the keyboard, a skill he believed would complement his music production ambitions.

Versatility and Collaboration

One of the hallmarks of Shedly’s career has been his versatility as a drummer, collaborating with a wide range of artists both within the Haitian music industry and the broader Caribbean market. He has worked with the likes of Bethobas Obas, Emeline Michel, Jacques Sauveur Jean, and Claude Barzoti, to name a few. His ability to seamlessly switch from playing with a jazz band to performing with a compas group has earned him a reputation as one of the most flexible drummers in the business.

In fact, his ability to adapt was put on display during a festival at Brooklyn College, where he performed for a wide array of artists, including Shoubou from Tabou Combo and Isnard Douby from System Band. His talent in transitioning between grooves and genres has cemented his status as a standout musician in the industry.

Staying Independent as a Freelance Drummer

Unlike many musicians who settle into a band, Shedly has chosen to remain a freelance artist, allowing him the freedom to collaborate widely and manage his own schedule. For Shedly, the life of a freelancer offers flexibility and the opportunity to work with a variety of talents, giving him a broader perspective and enhancing his skill set. Although freelance work doesn’t always guarantee stable income, Shedly has found that he can earn more through studio gigs and has learned to manage the financial ups and downs of his career.

His freelance status has allowed him to participate in over 62 albums in the last seven years, an impressive feat that reflects his work ethic and broad appeal. Despite the comparisons with other top drummers, including Richard of Zenglen, Shedly remains humble, viewing these comparisons as motivation to keep pushing himself to improve.

The Producer’s Journey: Djazz La

Shedly’s ambitions don’t stop at drumming. He is also a producer and has launched his own production company, “Djazz La.” Through this venture, Shedly has released two albums that showcase his innovative approach to music. His albums, “Djazz La Volume I & II,” are a creative blend of various compas hits from renowned artists such as T-Vice, Kassav, Kdans, and more, all performed by some of the biggest names in the Haitian music scene, including Shoubou, King Kino, and Robert Charlot.

The idea for these mix albums came from his extensive experience performing with different artists, combined with inspiration from Ronald Ruminel’s album “Compas Creole.” Shedly’s albums have been praised for their creativity and have added a fresh twist to the Haitian compas genre.

Navigating the Haitian Music Market

Shedly is candid about the challenges of working within the Haitian music industry, acknowledging that the market doesn’t offer much in the way of financial stability. He is acutely aware that many musicians, despite their success, struggle financially, especially as they reach the end of their careers. The lack of support and appreciation from the community is something that Shedly finds disheartening. He points out that while fame is nice, it doesn’t pay the bills, and he is determined to continue working toward a more secure future for himself.

Shedly also believes that the Haitian music industry could learn a lot from the American market, where musicians are given more appreciation and financial opportunities. He jokes that while Americans choose “do” and “la” from the musical scale, Haitians seem to be left with “fa” and “do,” symbolizing the burden many Haitian artists carry in trying to make a living from their art.

Looking Forward: New Projects and Collaborations

Shedly’s ambitions continue to grow. He is currently working on two new projects—one following the concept of his earlier “Djazz La” releases, and another that will feature solo tracks by various artists. He is also excited about the recent release of a gospel album, “An Ba Li Gloi,” which holds personal significance for him as a reflection of his religious upbringing.

He has also hinted at becoming a part of a new supergroup, “NY All Stars,” a band that promises to bring together some of the best talents in the Haitian music industry. Featuring musicians like Yves Abel, Makarios Cesaire, and Armstrong Jeune, this group aims to elevate compas music to new heights.

Personal Reflections

On a personal level, Shedly is a deeply spiritual and romantic individual. Raised in a religious family, he credits his faith for guiding him through the difficult times in his life. While he is not currently in a serious relationship, he believes in the beauty of love and hopes to one day have a family of his own.

Shedly’s future goals include continuing to grow his production company, expanding his influence in the music industry, and ensuring that his career provides him with financial stability.

A Message to Aspiring Artists and Fans

For young musicians looking to enter the industry, Shedly advises them to stay disciplined, avoid drugs, and maintain a clear vision of their goals. He stresses the importance of learning from the experiences of others and staying grounded in the face of fame.

To his fans, Shedly extends his gratitude for their continued support, urging them to support all Haitian artists, not just their favorites. He believes that with unity and encouragement from the community, the Haitian music industry can achieve great things.

Shedly Abraham’s story is one of resilience, versatility, and a deep love for music. His journey continues to inspire those around him, and with his ever-expanding ambitions, it is clear that the best is yet to come for this talented musician and producer.

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