Opa:   How did you meet with the other Gabel musicians?

MoneyG:  I met with T-Linet (James Momplaisir) at a Studio (AMS Recording Studio back in 2001).  I went there to record a carnival song and met with T-Linet who was learning how to play the keyboard. We get to talk and exchange numbers, we became friends, we started doing music together, we met the others from the group while we were working on NEKS and as they say the rest is history.

Opa:  Now that Gabel has an album out, how do you feel about the band?

MoneyG:  I am satisfied with what Gabel has accomplished since the Grand Premiere of the band and I don’t see myself anywhere else.  I never wanted to be in a band where everybody else was veterans who had lived a whole lot more than I did with much more experience.  I wanted to start with young people and grow with them which is what the idea of Gabel.

Opa:  Does Gabel meet your expectations? If yes/no why?

MoneyG:  Yes Gabel meet my expectation because I didn’t have any group experience and I am learning with the band and the other bandmates are patient with me and let me know when I do something that I shouldn’t do.

Opa:  Did you write the songs you sing in the album?

MoneyG:  Yes I wrote the songs I sung in the album – and I also wrote, did the melody for some of the others.

Opa:  What inspired the lyrics?

MoneyG:  Improvisation is part of the inspiration but FADO was inspired by my real life experience.

Opa:  What type of music do you listen to?

MoneyG:  Mostly Reggae

Opa:  What role does music play in your life?

MoneyG:  Beside my children, music is the most important part of my life.  I can’t see myself living without music.  And now music is taking me places that I wouldn’t have dreamed of going before.

Opa:  What made you decide to pursue a musical career in the HMI?

MoneyG:  I danced folklore when I was growing up in Haiti and was in a Racine group and dropped out because my family didn’t want me involved in Voodoo and that’s how I came to do Kompa instead.

Opa:  When did you realize you could sing?

MoneyG:  Since I knew I could talk.  The first time I sung was back in Haiti.  There was a contest on Radio Ginen.  They were giving away a CD from the group Racine Figye and I wanted that CD.  I called the radio and sung the requested song and won the CD.

Opa:  Beside Gabel, have you sung in any other band?

MoneyG:  No

Opa:  Who are some of your influences in the HMI?

MoneyG:  Eddy Francois, Azor, Jude Jean and Reginald Cange.  If you make a combination of all four of these artists, you will get MoneyG.

Opa:  Most influential artist in the Kompa Industry?

MoneyG:  Reginald Cange

Opa:  Do you have groupies?

MoneyG:  I don’t have that word in my vocabulary. I have supporters who are my inspiration.

Opa:  If you had the chance to redo something in your life, what would it be? And why?

MoneyG:  Nothing because I wouldn’t want to change anything in my life.

Opa:  Have you started on new songs for Gabel’s next album?

MoneyG:  I am a writer which means I am always writing new materials and when Gabel is ready for the next album, I will have songs ready for the group.

Opa:  If you have the opportunity, will you do a solo album?

MoneyG:  I already have solo albums way before Gabel existed.

Opa:  Have you worked with any other artists beside Gabel?

MoneyG:  Yes I have.  I wrote a couple of songs System Band’s latest album (# 10 Pa leve min’w sou li, #7 Let me shine) Tuco Buzi (upcoming project) and a few others that I am not mentioning now since the CDs aren’t out yet.

Opa:  When is your birthday?

MoneyG:  October 4th

Opa:  Educational background?

MoneyG:  In College majoring in Music and Video Editing

Opa:  What the three important people in your life beside yourself?

MoneyG:  My 3 Kids – Two girls and one boy -Kimberly 4, Armonie 3, Junior 1 ½

Opa:  Where were you born and raised?

MoneyG:  I was born and raised in Port-au-Prince more precisely Bel Air

Opa:  What is your favorite dish?

MoneyG:  Any type of Seafood (fish, shrimp, etc..)

Opa:  What do you look for in a woman?

MoneyG:  (LOL) Honesty, communication, affection and great personality

Opa:  Two items you can’t live without?

MoneyG:  Music first then women

Opa:  Do you believe in God?

MoneyG:  Of course.  (lol) I thought everybody believed in God.

Opa:  Any final thoughts?

MoneyG:  I wouldn’t say final because I am always available to answer any questions for Opa.

Opa:  You can count on it.  Thank you for answering our questions and good luck in  the future!

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