Larose, a celebrated figure in the Compas music scene, recently shared insights about his journey, career, and his latest album, “Real Live,” during a candid interview at Geronimo Records. Known for his distinct voice and numerous contributions to the genre, Larose reflected on his past accomplishments, his current projects, and his vision for the future.

Early Beginnings and Rapid Rise

Larose’s journey in music started at a young age, when friends recognized his vocal talent. His early experiences singing with friends during playtime led to a professional career with Sugar Combo, where he released six albums before transitioning to other notable groups like DP Express, Tband in Canada, and Missile 727. Larose admitted that his career took off rapidly, often leaving him amazed by how much he had accomplished in such a short period.

Through his career, Larose has released an impressive 25 albums, each one holding a special place in his heart. While some albums have been embraced more quickly by fans, Larose views all his work as masterpieces, with each album representing a milestone in his evolving artistic journey.

The Drive Behind His Success

One key to Larose’s success is his unwavering ambition. He believes in always striving to be the best, refusing to settle for second place. His relentless work ethic, combined with a passion for his craft, has propelled him to the top of the Haitian music industry. However, Larose remains acutely aware of the challenges faced by aspiring musicians, particularly those who lack resources and opportunities.

He expresses gratitude for the opportunities he’s been given and encourages other talented young men and women to make the most of any chance they receive. According to Larose, achieving success in the music industry requires passion, perseverance, and a willingness to navigate the obstacles inherent in a society that often struggles to fully appreciate and support its artists.

Balancing Performances and Business

Currently residing in Canada, Larose has slowed down his performance schedule compared to his earlier years. While he still enjoys performing, he is selective about when and where he plays, preferring to avoid situations where there is no clear financial benefit or where contracts are unclear. He emphasizes the importance of respecting the musicians and their time, avoiding performances where agreements are not honored or where there is no proper compensation.

Larose understands the toll that frequent performances can take on an artist and is careful about not overexerting himself. He prefers to maintain his dignity by only performing under fair terms. When not on stage, he spends his time pursuing hobbies and focusing on personal growth.

Success Across Markets

Larose has enjoyed success in both the European and American music markets, though he feels that Europe, particularly due to its large West Indian population, is more welcoming to Compas music. Despite this, his influence and career achievements are equally recognized in both regions. Reflecting on his career, Larose shares fond memories of special moments, including a time in New York when fans lifted his car while he was inside, showing their admiration for him.

He believes that part of his enduring popularity comes from knowing his worth and ensuring others recognize it as well. Larose is not just about chasing fame—he has always sought to have his hard work respected and appreciated. He believes that musicians need to maintain a level of mystery and distance from the public to keep their fanbase intrigued and longing for more.

Reflections on the Industry

Larose is critical of the Haitian music industry’s lack of support for its artists. He believes that many artists are not given the respect or opportunities they deserve, often facing opposition or being subject to biased opinions. He recalls figures like Felix L’Amie, who worked tirelessly to promote Haitian music beyond the typical party scene, but notes that those who push for positive change in the industry are often underappreciated or forgotten.

In his new album, “Real Live,” Larose revisits some of his greatest hits from the past, rearranging and reviving them for a modern audience. The album is dedicated to both young fans who may have missed out on experiencing the classic songs and older fans who couldn’t attend live performances. The eight-track album serves as a bridge between generations, keeping Compas alive and relevant.

Looking Toward the Future

Though Larose is not one to openly discuss all his future goals, he reveals that he often shares his dreams with God, trusting in divine guidance for what lies ahead. For now, he focuses on his music, continuing to create meaningful art while navigating the ever-changing music landscape.

Larose draws inspiration from a variety of musicians, both Haitian and international. He expresses admiration for Haitian icons like Shoubou, Cubano, and Douby, as well as international stars like Julio Iglesias and other Latin artists. His appreciation for the Latino rhythm often influences his music, and he emphasizes that good lyrics are essential to any great song.

In terms of the current music industry, Larose sees a lack of productivity and creativity, which he believes stems from inadequate support for artists. He stresses the need for more encouragement and a more organized system to help elevate Haitian music to the level it deserves.

Advice to Future Generations

To those considering a career in music, Larose offers a cautionary note: don’t expect much. While fame may come, it is fleeting, and the music industry can be a harsh environment. Society has the power to break an artist just as easily as it can make one, so Larose advises aspiring musicians to remain vigilant and not to expect overwhelming support.

As for his personal habits, Larose laughingly admits to one thing—his love for women. However, he maintains that he is a good-hearted person, focused on giving back the love and support he receives from his fans.

A Message to His Fans

Larose closes by expressing his deep appreciation for his fans, who have supported him throughout his career. He assures them that as long as he is alive, he will continue working for them. He offers his love and gratitude, vowing to remain a dedicated artist for as long as he can.

In the end, Larose’s legacy will not only be his music but also his commitment to staying true to himself and to those who have supported him over the years. As he moves forward, he continues to balance his passion for music with his desire to create a lasting impact on the industry.

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