In the Haitian Music Industry, one of the most unassuming yet genuinely talented artists is Cassandra Joseph of Phantoms. Opa Music recently had the privilege of delving into the life and musical journey of this remarkable singer, known for her low-key demeanor but powerful stage presence.

Opa Music: Cassandra, can you share your journey from the beginnings to your current status in the music industry?

Cassandra Joseph: My musical journey spans over a decade. It began in Trenton, NJ, with a local band called Bozz, where I was initially invited to sing because of my dancing skills. After Bozz disbanded, I was introduced to Alex Abellard by singer Krys, who appreciated the unique depth and raspiness of my voice. Alex had me compete in Zin’s singing contests, which I won, leading to a record contract offer. However, before that could materialize,

I auditioned for Phantoms after learning they were seeking a female vocalist. I performed “14 Fevrier” live in Trenton, NJ, and since then, I’ve been with Phantoms, continually honing my skills and embracing the comprehensive artistic freedom the band offers.

Opa Music: What type of music influences you the most?

Cassandra Joseph: I’ve always had a diverse musical taste, from pop and hip-hop to rock and jazz. There’s a certain thrill I get from rock music—the guitars and vocals just elevate me. I also have a deep appreciation for jazz.

Opa Music: Why is Phantoms the ideal band for you?

Cassandra Joseph: Phantoms isn’t just about performing; it’s about putting on a show. This aligns perfectly with my love for a genuine performance that includes acting, body movement, and engagement with the audience. Phantoms think big, and they encourage my artistic expression, which is why I can’t see myself being anywhere else.

Opa Music: Who typically follows Phantoms?

Cassandra Joseph: Our audience mainly consists of those in their late 20s and older who have experienced Phantoms’ peak periods. They understand and appreciate what we bring to the table. Unfortunately, the younger generation hasn’t fully experienced our impact yet, given the current state of the industry where many bands are playing it safe.

Opa Music: Can you tell us about your early life and how you first got involved in music?

Cassandra Joseph: I was born and raised in Berther Petion-Ville, a beautiful and vibrant community. I attended La Sagesse for primary school and Charite de St Louis for secondary. My neighborhood was tight-knit; we organized community activities and played sports, which was a huge part of my upbringing. Music was always around me, but it became a serious pursuit when I joined my first band in New Jersey.

Opa Music: What inspires your fashion and style choices?

Cassandra Joseph: I believe in feeling and appearing sexy, which influences everything from my attire to the fragrances I choose and even my diet. It’s about embodying confidence and allure in my everyday life.

Opa Music: And lastly, are you currently single?

Cassandra Joseph: Yes, I consider myself always single, enjoying life and focusing on my career.

Cassandra Joseph’s story is one of passion, resilience, and dedication to her craft. As she continues to grace stages with Phantoms, her unique voice and charismatic performances are a testament to her role as a formidable artist in the Haitian music scene.

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