Do you guys ever fight and if yes have you guys ever reached a point where the band’s future was in danger?

Richard Cave: Of course we fight. Brothers fight and since we practically grew up together we’re going to fight but never to the point where the band’s future was on the line. We have so many investments together; I don’t think it would come to that.

Who do you get along with the most in the band?

Richard Cave: (a little hesitant) I’m the middle so I get along with everyone in the band.

It’s been quite a few years since you guys made the transition from digital band to full band. Any regrets?

Richard Cave: Financially, it was tough but it’s one of the reasons we were able to play in Zenith. Places like that are use to hearing the sounds of Tabou Combo so you can’t go there with a little drum machine.

What would you consider to be the biggest mistake you guys made throughout your career?

Richard Cave: If “I” had to choose personally, I’d say it was releasing the video TRILOGY. I really hated that video; we’re all ashamed of that video.

What were the best decisions?

Richard Cave: The best decisions I’d have to say were: Not performing right after we released our debut album because we didn’t feel we were ready, when Mikael convinced us to get involved in Carnival, and playing in Zenith by ourselves when everyone advised us against it.

How do you guys plan on preserving CaRiMi’s legacy?

Richard Cave: We’ve created a sound that the younger generation has gravitated towards and we are proud of that however it’s not what we’ve done it’s what we are about to do in the next six months that I think will preserve our legacy. We’re going to take some upcoming artists and place them under our wings to help secure their success in the HMI. We’ve been very passionate about this move. We also have a few more things in store but we’re not ready to devour yet.

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