It’s been a long time since we’ve heard from the singer Mirline Menard also known as Mei Mei and most recently, Meilan. Meilan was a singer and dancer in the band Hangout back in 2006 alongside Pipo Stanis currently of KLASS. Meilan is planning on making a comeback in the industry and in this interview she shares with us some of what she has planned for us. Meilan is under Shakaitutu Management Team for Booking.

Most of us in the Haitian Music Industry know you from the band HangOut however there are talks that you were supposed to be a part of Zin, something happened and you ended up in HangOut. Can you clear this up for us and give us a little background on how you first started in HMI?

Meilan: There were talks about me joining Zin but it was never an idea. I started off when I did a little skit dance for Zin at the Haitian Compas Festival; I believe in 2006. I guess HangOut saw me and they wanted me to be a part of their band. I had no idea that I would be singing and dancing. I thought I would just be dancing but that’s pretty much what started the whole career for me as an artist in the Haitian community.

Can you describe your experience in the band and what would you change?

Meilan: There’s not a thing that I would change about joining the band; it’s all about the experience. Back then it was hard to get in a band and even now a female artist is guilty until proven innocent in the industry. My experience with HangOut was cool, they were all like brothers to me and fathers and I had a really good experience. I learned a lot about the business from them. They taught me about the music, sound, and getting paid.


What made you decide to comeback?

Meilan: I’m ready. After I had my child that’s when I realized that this is something that I want to do but I want to do it how I want to do it and not how someone else is telling me I have to do it.

What style of music will you be performing?

Meilan: I love Compas because it’s in my genes but right now I’m more focused on doing Zouk. I’ve always loved Zouk.

What made you leave the industry?

Meilan: After having my daughter I moved to Atlanta and I stayed up there for 3 years. It was the best thing that I’ve ever done to get away from everything, everyone and the whole music. I needed that time to focus on my child. Now that she is 7 years old, going back to the music is not going to be as hard as it would have been when she was younger.

Would you ever join another band?

Meilan: I wouldn’t mind doing little features here and there but I’m a solo artist right now.

What name are you planning on using this time around, are you going use both Meilan and Mei Mei?

Meilan: The name I have now is “Meilan.” I’m not keeping Mei Mei because at the time I used Mei Mei it was because I hadn’t found my sound but now i’m more comfortable with Meilan.

Will you be performing with a full band or playback?

Meilan: I’m going to have a band when I have big shows. The band is not going to have 10 giggers but it will have the key elements.

What have you accomplished professionally during your break from the industry?

Meilan: I went to school, I finished school and I’ve since moved back to Florida from Atlanta and for three years now I’ve worked in the healthcare industry. I’ve also been getting myself together; training my vocals. I’ve been doing a lot of modeling for different boutiques as well.

What style of music are you currently listening to?

Meilan: Right now I’m listening to the Zouk artist Tina, Compas bands Harmonik, Gabel and Carimi, I’ve always loved Carimi.  That’s just to name a few and I listen to a whole lot of R&B. I basically listen to everything.

What makes you tic?

Meilan: I’m a Scorpio so you already know, I’m little stubborn and feisty. I have a huge pet peeve when it comes to hygiene. I’m really big on hygiene and I make sure I’m always up to par.

What makes you happy?

Meilan: What makes me happy is my daughter for the most part.

Do you know how to cook and what have you mastered in the kitchen?

Meilan: I’m a good cook actually. I’m really good at making pasta. My daughter is very specific about what she eats. She lets you know straight up if she likes it, if she doesn’t eat it at all, she doesn’t like it. She’s my biggest critique.

Do you have a secret talent?

Meilan: My secret talent is that I can sing in 4 different languages. English, French, Creole and Spanish.

Do you think female artists support each other or should they?

Meilan: We support each other because the industry is not really big on us. We need each other.

What makes a successful artist in the Haitian music industry and how long do you think it’s going to take you to become a successful artist in the industry. What will you have to do?

Meilan: How long would it take to be a successful artist? Well first off you have to be able to handle criticism. Make sure you have a great management team and don’t wait around for a handout. Take your career into your own hands and always do your best and time will tell.

Who’s your audience?

Meilan: I’m targeting all music lovers.

Well thank you so much Meilan for the chat. 

Meilan: Thank you for having me, Opa!

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