Opa Music caught up with Zouk artist, Milca who is here in the United States on a mini tour before heading back to Paris to wrap up her upcoming studio album. Most likely you recently heard the beautiful and seductive voice of the Zouk Femme Fatale on the hot duet Toi et Moi featuring Arly Lariviere off Djazz La’s Vol. 8 CD. As it seems we are about to hear a whole lot more from Milca in the Compas market. She just completed the video shoot to Toi et Moi which should be out soon. Below is the Q&A we had with her.

OpaMusic.com: We were introduced to you back in 2005 when you released your debut album Simplement, how many albums have you since released in total?

Milca: The first album is called Simplement, my second album is an R&B album called Ghetto Chic, my third album Vivre is a Zouk album and my last album is called Par Amour. I’m currently working on my 5th album which I don’t have a name for yet but it’s due out on my birthday in 2016.

OpaMusic.com: Which one of your albums so far is the most successful?

Milca: Of all the albums that I’ve put out I’d have to say the first one, Simplement was the most successful one. No one knew who I was prior to that and it introduced me to the music. My second most successful album is the last one, Par Amour. Those two albums paved the way for me; they’re the two most successful ones.

OpaMusic.com: You currently reside in Paris but where are you originally from?

Milca: My mother and father were born in Haiti, they’re Haitians. I’m Haitian but I was born in Guyenne.

OpaMusic.com: Have you ever been to Haiti in recent years and if yes how was the experience?

Milca: The first time I went to Haiti it was a beautiful experience. I discovered a lot. I saw where my parents came from and I was happy about that. I stayed for a while and enjoyed the country. I will be making another trip there soon.

OpaMusic.com: Did music play a big part in your life when you were growing up?

Milca: When I was little; my dad would strum his guitar and play the saxophone in front of me. He wasn’t a real musician but he loved music. As for me when I was in school I met a few friends we ended up in a chorus together and we later formed a band. Ever since I was little I knew I’d be singing but not as a profession. I never really took it seriously but as I got older, I started meeting new people we started making music together; that’s when I started taking it more seriously.

OpaMusic.com: Who did you listen to growing up?

Milca: I use to listen to Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and a lot of R&B and Gospel. That’s how I first got into music. Around the age of 15 I started taking music more seriously, and realizing it was my passion.

OpaMusic.com: Who do you listen to now?

Milca: I continue to listen to the same artists I did growing up. I don’t have a preference, I listen to all styles of music; Jazz, Compas, Hip Hop, and I listen to a lot of what’s playing on the radio.

Why did you choose to sing Zouk instead of Konpa?

Milca: When I first started singing I use to work with a lot of people who were more into Zouk. I didn’t choose Zouk, it chose me. I tried it and it worked for me so I stayed. Now I’m starting to evolve in my own market. I know a lot of people who listen to Compas and I love Compas, I’m Haitian and I want to try the Compas market.

OpaMusic.com: Lately, you’ve been featured on a couple of projects with Compas artists like Arly, and Daan Junior; are you slowly making a transition into Compas Music?

Milca: No… I wouldn’t call it a transition, rather an evolution. I’ve met a lot of Haitians and now I want to get more involved in Compas. It’s true I did a duet with Daan Junior on my first album titled Dommage and recently I did a duet with Arly Lariviere titled Toi et Moi. I’ve discovered a lot about the market; I’ve met and spoken with a lot of musicians it was a beautiful experience. I’m going to continue to do Zouk and if there’s an opportunity for me to do Compas, I will do Compas as well.

OpaMusic.com: Are there any Konpa artists male or female you haven’t worked with and you would like to collaborate with?

Milca: I’m fairly new to the market so I’m not too familiar with all of the artists to make such decision right now. I follow my instincts; if I meet an artist that I’m in tune with then we can collaborate but I haven’t given that much thought.

OpaMusic.com: There are a lot of people who loves Zouk but don’t know the history and the different styles of the music; can you explain Zouk for us and what style of the music do you sing.

Milca: I think there are a lot of different styles of Zouk because not everyone has the same musical influence. I’m influenced by R&B, Compas and all other styles of music but Zouk is more personal. It’s true there are a lot of different styles of Zouk and everyone have their own. As for me I’m more Zouk and sometimes I’m inspired by Zouk-Compas, Zouk-R&B, and Zouk Love.

OpaMusic.com: Do you write your own music and where do you find your inspiration?

Milca: My inspiration comes from everywhere. I can be lying down calmly, watching television and get inspired or when I’m listening to my friend’s stories and my own stories inspire me as well. Anything can inspire me.

OpaMusic.com: Is there any one thing you are trying to achieve with your music?

Milca: I would like when I stop making music for people to always remember my music when they hear it. I would like for my music to remain in their head and heart and to leave a stamp in the Caribbean music market. I would prefer to sing till I can’t sing anymore and if it were up to me, never stop singing.

OpaMusic.com: Did you have any other aspirations when you were growing up other than becoming a musician?

Milca: Honestly, I don’t know what I would be doing if I wasn’t singing. I thought about it before but I really don’t know.

OpaMusic.com: How do you balance your regular life and your life as artist?

Milca: It’s always hard to balance your personal life and the artistic life. You have to find someone who understands you, you have to take precautions and it requires a lot of time. Sometimes you can’t be there and you end up missing out on a lot of family stuff so it’s difficult.

OpaMusic.com: It seems Zouk have more female artists than Konpa why do you think that is?

Milca: Hmm… it’s true Zouk does have more female artists than Compas. That’s because Zouk and Compas are different; with Zouk you can sing by yourself but with Compas you need a band to back you up. I think that’s why a lot of women love Zouk because it’s easier than Compas.

OpaMusic.com: Explain the difference between the two markets, Zouk and Konpa?

I think the biggest difference between the two is Zouk have more female artists and Compas have more male artists. That’s the biggest difference to me.

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