Born and raised in Haiti, Oli Duret, started singing as a young child. He sung endlessly, everywhere, all the time… Including in class, where he was often told to “keep it down”. In 2002/2003, while concluding his college degree, he started performing mostly alternative music, as a diverse artist he also sings RnB and pop music. around 2001, he started working with a group called “Kai” which never went mainstream but was known by many people. In 2004/2005, Oli Duret started working as a professional singer/songwriter along side Mikaben (Michael Benjamin). He’s also worked collaboratively with numerous other Haitian artists during that time.

Oli Duret broke onto the Haitian Music Industry in 2005 when he joined T-vice, one of the most successful Kompa bands of modern time. Oli Duret earned the respect of his fans with his HIT song “SANTIM TA KRIYE”. He contributed a lot to the production of Tvice’s next album where He wrote and sings the song “TOI ET MOI”, which is considered by many websites and fans not only to being the song of the album “WELCOME TO HAITI”, but the hit of 2010 for the Haitian Music Market. “Fem Vole” is another hit that is another favorite among that album. in 2013 Olivier decides to do solo work, putting out “danre ra” with a video which has been a favorite, then “ma cherie je t’aime” which has been a HIT and a cover of john legend’s “all of me”. Further earning Olivier the respect of his peers and his loyal fans as one of the greatest singer/songwriters in the arena of the Haitian Music Industry. today, olivier has his own band called DAT7, they already have a video out called “se konsa” with more to come.


What was that defining moment that made you decide you wanted to be singer?

There was never a real defining moment, I loved singing since I was a kid and to be honest I never saw me as a professional singer. You know how Haitian parents are lol, I was given the opportunity and I took it.

Do you remember your very first performance ever if so tell us about it the experience?

I don’t remember the very first but it would have to be at Café des Arts with Mikaben. All I remember is being so stressed that I had my eyes closed while singing and my voice trembling lol

What’s the easier music subject to write about and which are the hardest and why?

Easiest for me is about love, relationships and anything in between. The hardest would be politically correct songs because one word might set the whole song on fire.

What style of music are you most comfortable singing?

I would say soft acoustic Melo style

What song subject you haven’t touched and would love to explore in the future?

I’ve sung different songs, written different songs, I would love to tell u what I haven’t touched but then some people might steal the idea ?

Have you ever considered playing an instrument? If so what would be your instrument of choice be?

I would have loved to play an instrument, I can “grate” as they say in Creole the guitar but I would have loved to learn how to play the piano.

You’re a part of Dat7 now however prior to becoming a member/owner you were supposed to be working on a musical venture with Mika Ben why didn’t that work out?

Mikaben and I are great friends, family even. Like they say there is no friendship in business and I guess that was the mistake. We just couldn’t sit together business wise.

Do you think if you guys went forward with the project you would have been better off today?

Honestly, you never know in life. I know I would have worked hard to get where I wanted to be but can’t say where I would be by now, there are too many variables in this business.

You are one of the producers on the Dat7 album but Rico “Ti Tanbou” Amazan produced the majority of the album… were there any conflicts as to which songs you would sing and which you wouldn’t?

There was not much conflict on which song I would sing, it was more which song would suit Ti-Tanbou. I’m a very versatile singer so I can work easier with different styles/genres of music.

Do you believe you’re only as good as your producer?

That is a very good and interesting question; I think the answer is yes. If your producer cannot give you anything within your talent/limits then your music, as good as it maybe, might go to waste.



Describe each of you band mates with one word.

Vlad: chill

Tanbou: maestro

Eddy: people person

Pmike: music man

Deco: stress (inside joke)

Watson: silent but deadly (on the guitar)

Stanley: pretty boy


What two songs from the latest album, VERIDCT you haven’t performed yet but you’re looking forward to performing?

No Need to be Fancy and Je Veux M’envoler.

If the curtains closed on your musical career do you have another talent or skill to fall back on?

I have a bachelors in management, got a lot to learn again but life is about learning.

It’s been said musicians are some of the worst dancers… can you dance and be honest?

I can do a little somethin’ somethin’ lol

When you meet a challenge do you find yourself facing it head on or do you let it linger and hope the problem will go away?

In sports I go head on, love competition… In life, depending on what it is, it’s either or.

We all know the HMI is not the most profitable business so when your significant other told you “we’re having a baby” what went through your mind?

I was too happy to even think about anything else.

What’s your biggest fear in life?


Do you have any siblings?

I have 5 siblings.

What was your fondest moment growing up and why?

Spending time with my family, it’s when you grow and don’t live near them or are too busy to spend time with them that you realize how precious those moments were.

What do you want your son to be when he grows up?

He can be whatever he wants as long as he is happy. I would love it if he was a soccer player, basketball player or a doctor but it’s his happiness that counts.

When are you most at peace?

When I’m asleep and NOT dreaming, other than that my brain is always trying to figure something out. lol

What’s your favorite hobby?

Playing soccer or basketball… Mostly soccer lol

What’s your favorite meal?

I eat everything ?

Can you cook it?

I can make you some good cereal with milk, a good sandwich or even some Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese… I got u! ?

What food have you mastered cooking?

Velveeta Macaroni. lol

What was your best and worst fan encounter you’ve ever had?

I don’t think I’ve had a bad fan encounter like that… My best is each and everyone one them.

Is there one thing you’ve done in your musical career that when look back you wish you had done differently? If yes what is it?

I only think that while in T-Vice, I should have put myself out there more. You live and you learn.

Are your parents proud of you and your career choice?

Hmmm my mom loves music and she’s proud of what I’ve accomplished with having hit songs like Toi et Moi, my Cherie Je T’aime but  I still think she wanted more for me. My father didn’t really like it from day one so I’m not sure proud would be a word I’d use. lol

Based on your personal experience if you were to give an upcoming artist some advice what would it be?

Be prepared to be everything, an artist, a manager, a PR. And make sure to have a real

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