The night started off slow but eventually did pick up a bit. I would say it was the most successful party over the Thanksgiving weekend in New York because Amazura is large and there must have been about 900 people in there in total. Just to make sure I spoke to the club owner and he confirmed it was indeed around that number but close to a 1000 people. Keep in mind Amazura’s legal capacity is 1905.

When I got there, Krezi was just wrapping up their press conference and preparing to get on stage. When they hit the stage and started performing, the party attendee made their way to the front to observe what was about to take. Judging from the look on the crowd’s faces, they seemed to enjoy every bit of what Krezi had to offer. Although I have yet to familiarize myself with their list of songs… they played Le mwen we w, Negosye and their rendition of Moun Damou.

Krezi is one of those bands that have the potential to be one of the biggest bands in the industry written all over them. They’re a group of great musicians and one can clearly see that when they are on stage. However, one little issue I have with the band is their lack animation. From a marketing point of view, I believe especially in this industry and most, you have to connect with the crowd, you have to give them a show. Mika has that but the rest of the band is lacking big time. They are too laid back and conservative.

With the release of their new album, i expected a little more enthusiasm but that wasn’t the case. Speaking of the new album, if you thought the cover was hot, wait till you hear the songs. The booklet inside of the CD is even hotter than the cover. Very creative and you can tell a lot of thought was put into it.


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