New York – August 12, 2024 – Venus Int’I Productions and the organizing committee of the Haitian Labor Day Fest announce with heavy hearts the unfortunate postponement of this year’s festival. After careful deliberation and consideration, we have made the difficult decision to defer this year’s event until 2025.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our loyal attendees who have shown unparalleled love and support for the Haitian Labor Day Fest throughout the years. We want to also acknowledge the bands whose cooperation and understanding have truly made this decision easier. To everyone from media members to music fans and our staff, your unwavering dedication has not gone unnoticed, and we sincerely appreciate your continued enthusiasm.

While this decision was not made lightly, we believe it is the best course of action for our organization at this time. There were a variety of factors that led to this final decision, including issues with the venue, but today, we are setting our sights on returning next year with a renewed spirit and a bigger impact.
We invite you to mark your calendars, save the date and join us for a weekend of celebration culminating in the main Haitian Labor Day Fest on Sunday, August 31, 2025, with exciting pre-festival parties and events setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.

Together in 2025, we will make the next Haitian Labor Day Fest the biggest and most memorable celebration yet.
Again, thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. We eagerly anticipate returning next year even stronger.
For more information and updates, please follow us on all social media platforms:
M.I.A. Media, Inc.

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