Last night, Club Amazura was the epicenter of a sensational performance and unexpected drama at the highly anticipated T-Vice and Carimi concert. The event, which promised a night of thrilling music and dance, delivered much more with unexpected turns that kept the crowd on their toes.

Carimi’s Electrifying Performance The night kicked off later than expected, with Carimi not taking the stage until around 12:30 AM after extended sound checks. They opened with vibrant renditions of “Are You Ready,” “Banm Pemisyon,” “Pouvwa,” and “Kidnapping,” among other hits. Michael, Carimi’s frontman, was particularly animated, engaging the crowd with dynamic dance moves that matched the energy of their songs.

The highlight of Carimi’s set was undoubtedly the surprise rara procession that erupted towards the end of their performance. The audience went wild as the rara musicians weaved through the crowd. Drinks flew through the air, cups soared, and fans jumped off the stage to join the procession, creating a euphoric chaos that even saw Carimi’s members diving into the fray.

Unexpected Altercation During T-Vice Set Up The atmosphere shifted gears as T-Vice prepared to take the stage. An unexpected altercation broke out involving Ti-Eddy of T-Vice and some overly passionate fans from Brother’s Production, staunch supporters of Carimi. The dispute reportedly stemmed from complaints about the audio quality of Carimi’s set, which led to a physical confrontation on stage. One of the production team members sucker-punched Ti-Eddy from behind, escalating tensions rapidly.

Efforts to defuse the situation were made by several individuals, including Carimi’s manager, Roberto, but tempers flared to the point where equipment was tampered with, and a promoter’s camera was moved. Security eventually intervened, clearing the stage of over 40 non-performers and ejecting the troublemakers from the venue.

T-Vice Takes the Stage Amidst Tension After the dust settled, T-Vice started their set around 2:30 AM. Despite the rocky start and some lingering sound issues that affected their performance, especially noticeable during “Ayiti Pap Kraze,” T-Vice managed to deliver a solid performance. Their setlist included “4las,” “Kitem Viv,” “Checke Fan’m Paw,” and a spirited “Kanaval” to wrap up the night.

Final Thoughts Though the night was marred by the scuffle, the performances by both Carimi and T-Vice showcased the vibrant energy and passion that define Haitian music concerts. The unexpected rara procession and the enthusiastic, if sometimes overly fervent, crowd reactions highlighted the deep connection between the artists and their fans.

Stay tuned for photos and videos from the event, which will undoubtedly capture the highs and lows of a night filled with music, dance, and a dash of drama at Club Amazura.

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