Nassau, Bahamas – A packed house at the Lion’s Club witnessed a highly anticipated Kompa concert in celebration of Carimi’s 10th anniversary on November 20, 2011. The event, produced by Blackwolf and Merzier Entertainment Companies, marked a major milestone for the beloved Haitian band, with fans filling the venue for a night of lively music and celebration.

Carimi, led by bandleader Richard Cavé, has long enjoyed a strong following in Nassau, but this occasion extended the group’s reach to new audiences in the Bahamas. Before arriving in Nassau, the band performed in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, where they connected with fans in a smaller but equally enthusiastic venue.

“The response was great in both islands, and we thank our fans for loving us throughout our ten-year history,” said Cavé. “Never did I dream, after teaming up with my two good friends Michael and Carlos, that ten years later we would still be going strong. The tenth anniversary is turning into a tour—our bookings have skyrocketed since the first party in New York.”

Following performances in Paris, Miami, Haiti, Abaco, and Nassau, the band is now preparing to return to Haiti for another show. Reflecting on their concert in Abaco, Cavé remarked, “Abaco was a smaller venue, but the people know how to party. It was a pleasure to see Haitians really supporting their country’s artists.”

In Nassau, the crowd was equally receptive, as fans gathered at the front of the stage, dancing and singing along to the band’s greatest hits, including Bang Bang, Por Favor, Buzz Me, and Zadoli.

During a short break, DJ One Dwight energized the crowd by playing Junkanoo music, which brought the room to life with shouts of “Valley” and “Saxons” ringing out as the crowd demanded the band return to the stage. Carimi closed out the night in the early hours of the morning, leaving the audience asking for more.

Lead singer Mickael Guirand expressed the band’s excitement about returning to the Bahamas for the Bahamian/Haitian Festival in March, where they plan to enjoy local cuisine and celebrate Bahamian and Haitian artists.

“For the festival, we may bring something new to the table,” Guirand hinted. “We have four studio albums and four live circuits, which I consider as albums. After ten years of fun and hard work, we’re proud to still be doing this.”

The band also expressed gratitude to Ambassador Antonio Rodrigue of Haiti for sending his congratulations on their anniversary. Cavé thanked Blackwolf and Merzier Entertainment for organizing the concert and shared his excitement about returning to Nassau in the spring.

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