Khalid Muhammad (born Harold Moore Jr. on January 12, 1948) was a prominent black nationalist leader in the United States, known for his roles in the Nation of Islam and later the New Black Panther Party. His career was marked by controversy, especially following a racially charged speech in 1993 at Kean College, which led to his condemnation and removal from the Nation of Islam by Louis Farrakhan. He was also censured by both houses of the United States Congress. After his departure from the Nation of Islam, he served as the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party until his death from a brain aneurysm in 2001. Despite the controversies, his fervent denunciations of white supremacy garnered significant support within the black community. This summary is provided for historical purposes. Opa Music does not own the rights to this content.

In this interview at 9:21 out of 42:54 Donahue ask him if he would like to see Aristide return to Haiti.  


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