First and foremost before we tackle this issue; let us first define the term PRESS CONFERENCE and its purpose. In layman’s term; a press conference is a meeting organized for the purposes of distributing information to the media and answering questions from reporters. Normally the press conference is led by the company’s executive management or their appointed press liaison. Given the media’s limited resources, it may be difficult to attract major media attention to a press conference unless the company has a truly unique or newsworthy announcement to share. Press conferences can also be issued in response to addressing public relations issues.

A press conference has a structure that’s been set forth for a reason. If you follow the structure not only will it give your business a professional appearance, it will also make the media, public and even potential sponsors take you more seriously. With that being said; there are some things we need to correct about these gatherings.

CONTENT: A press conferences offers several advantages, such as the ability to reach all media outlets at the same time while controlling the message. A press conference also can build excitement or anticipation about an event. However not everything is worthy of pulling anyone away from their normal routine. Just like not everything merits a press release not everything merits a conference either. What constitutes a press conference you ask? Anything news WORTHY. Operative word is worthy. Do not hold a press conference simply for advertising purposes especially if what you’re selling is disguised as something else; the veteran media personality will call you out on it.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Let’s say your press conference is news worthy; it really shows a complete lack of respect to those who makes the trip to be there if you’re not going to start on time. It is the job of the publicist to make sure everything starts on time however it’s usually the business owners whose press conference it is causing majority of the delays. In more structured industries, press conferences last no long than an hour two hours.

PRESENTATION: When a media personality is reporting your information they need visuals, and that’s why your presentation matters. A program, press kit briefing the press, a backdrop and the opportunity to interview the key player are essential. Make sure you look presentable as well.

INVITEES:  Always make sure the key players are in attendance The media is not attendineg your press conference to speak to your reps.

THE PRESS: if you’re a member of the press and attend a conference, do your job! Don’t attend or view these events as a stepping stone or a place for you to advertise yourself. It’s good to network but selling yourself looks really bad on you and the media entity you’re representing.

FANATICS: why are they even there? Unless they’re members of your staff  or you’re having a client/fans testimonial type press conference; they have no place there.

VENUES: Being cost effective means you may not be able to afford a more suitable place for a press conference such as a conference room. We tend to go more for the restaurant and bar lounge which gives us less control and looks very unprofessional. If the place is separated where the press conference and restaurant/bar/lounge can function simultaneously without any interruptions then by all means but any other time, it’s distracting, and unprofessional.

A press conferences offer several advantages, such as the ability to reach all media outlets at the same time while controlling the message. A press conference also can build excitement or anticipation about an event. And on the flip side; a press conferences can also waste time and money if the story isn’t newsworthy or the press conference is poorly organized and executed. Be sure to plan what will be discussed ahead of time and try not to introduce new ideas during the event.

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