One of the best ways to introduce yourself without saying a word is in the way you dress. People will automatically judge you based on what you are wearing at all times if you’re an artist so give them something good on the eyes yet still delivering the whoa factor and at the end something worthy of talking about.

Dos and Don’t

Do- Wear something that represents your true personality and age appropriate.

Don’t- Don’t repeat outfits
(we’ve notice) at least try to fool us by mixing and matching.

Do- You do not have to wears the most expensive outfit. I’ve seen some people wear very expensive outfits cheaply. But no artist is supposed to be shopping from the cheap $10 stores especially when you are picking thing straight from the window. Target is Target not Targét no accent é is going to EVER change it into a high end store. For crying out loud, you can buy food and toilet paper there.

Wearing those T-shirts from those fake designers are a total joke and decreases your own brand. They should pay for it. It’s called an endorsement once you start doing it. You shouldn’t even be wearing T-shirts to any of your gigs unless you are a rapper or it’s a festival setting.  Wearing a T-shirt on stage while everyone in the audience is looking cleaner and better than you because they actually put in the effort is not a good look.

This goes out to the Florida men. There’s nothing nastier than a man in a white dress shirt with no t-shirt under while drenched in sweat. I know the weather be hot out there most of the year but the T-shirt would actually help. Oh and when wearing T-shirts with long light colored shirts, wear a wife beater.

Give up the ghost. If you have dreads and its hanging on to your scalp for dear life, it’s time to give up that ghost.

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