Who are they and why have they earned the title “Metrosexuals.” Metrosexuality has been a around for a few years now. Mostly referred to normally straight male who possesses qualities of a gay male without being attracted to men. A metro often appreciates the finer things in life and enjoys making himself look good; be it through styling his hair or wearing fashionable clothes.

Gazzman Pierre :: He bleaches his hair, he wears pink, he’s usually dressed in expensive clothing, his finger nails are very well manicured, his shoes are expensive and tasteful and his fashion statements are bold but on point.

Gazzman Pierre
Armstrong Jeune:: Armstrong’s metro sexuality is mostly reflected on his hygiene. It’s obvious this guy exfoliate and moisturize more than the average woman. Every time you see him his skin looks more radiant than ever. The guy even wears contact lenses and they are colored.. need I say more?
Kino King::Is the average metrosexual nowadays. During the early 80s Kino’s style mostly reflected the punk style. He sported a Mohawk and extreme clothing but nowadays he’s made the transformation from punk to metrosexual without a hitch, making it look easy to imitate. King Kino
Richie:: Although his style is a little metro and vintage, we still thought he made a good candidate. His outfits are mostly on point and daring. He colored his dreads a light blonde and plays with different hair style which is not easy for a man with dreads but Ritchie’s style has no limit.

Who’s making it up to the list

The members of Hangout – They are trying however there’s no sense of individuality due to the fact that the band always dresses a like making it hard to tell but there’s certainly a lot of potential there.
Arly Lariviere – Although he has the way of dressing down to a science but his style don’t reflect one who’s trying too hard. He’s missing some key ingredients one being lack of vanity.
Who had it but lost it?
Shoubou – He had it wrapped but in recent years it seems as if Shoubou gave up on the life style. He’s now mostly sports comfortable gear and oversized shirt a no no for metrosexuals.
Who might benefit from this life style in the HMI
Alan Cave – with those sexy lips and baby face, he would truly stand out. But he would first have to lose a few pounds.
Alex Abellard – Good candidate although it might scare some of his fans to see him in that new light. Alex, if well groomed.. if you thought he had “fans” now, forget it if he adopted this life style.
The hopeless
Sweet Mickey – For Mickey to qualify under this style he would first have to put on some clothes.Not to say it wouldn’t do him justice but Mickey has created his own style.
Ten ways to tell if you’re a metrosexual
1. You just can’t walk past a top designer’s store without making a purchase. Preferably Armani, Brook Brothers, Banana Republic and Calvin Klein.
2. You own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches.
3. You see a stylist instead of a barber, because barbers don’t do highlights.
4. You drive luxury cars.
5. You only wear mostly Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.
6. You shave more than just your face. You also exfoliate and moisturize.
7. You would never, take public transportation.
8. You dry clean everything even your T-shirts, under wears and socks.
9. You’d rather drink wine than beer.
10. Despite being flattered (even proud) that gay guys hit on you, you still find the thought of actually getting intimate with another man truly repulsive.

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