The fourth edition of Haiti Fashion Week will be held from November 5 to 8, 2015 announced the Haitian Center for the Promotion of Enterprises (CHAPE). The theme for the week is Nourrir Haïti (Nurture Haiti).

Organizers said at the meeting Wednesday that the week is being organized in the framework of the European Program of Support for Cultural Initiatives (PESIC) and this cultural event is a showcase fashion.

They said it would be a privileged opportunity to highlight the many talents of Haitian artists and open new prospects for a promising economic sector.

The 2015 edition will host France as guest of honor. Fashion is a field of excellence and success for this country, which is presented as a worldwide reference they added.

This edition coincides with the launch of high fashion Price Anne Marie Desvarieux 2016, in ready-to-wear and accessories mode, to pay tribute to the two creative, mother and daughter, of the name, that marked the sector of fashion in Haiti.

Two hundred thousand dollars is allocated to the budget of the fourth edition of Haiti Fashion Week. Of this amount the European Union, partner since the very first edition, contributed 40%. The Ministry of Culture for its part has disbursed 200 million gourdes.

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