Author: Yvena Gabriel

So Mikaben the singer-songwriter-producer also known as Mika, also known as Michael Benjamin has at last released a third studio album. After torturing his fans to their detriment, the singer made the decision to be generous, offering an eye-popping 18 tracks on Mikaben MKBN. MKBN is the treat your parents have been promising you forever and year ever to the point where you wonder if it will ever been given to you. But once it is handed over to you, you forgot about all the torture and endless promises. You’re too pleased with the end product to hold any grudges,…

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With love, we should not expect things to be perfect all the times, but when the personality clashes are a regular thing, it’s time to take a deep look at the relationship. This is the essence of “On jou byen on jou mal” (Some Good Days, Some Bad Days), one of the eight tracks on the Kreyol La’s Domination album. Or shall I say extended EP since their last album had nearly a dozen songs? On the ballad, Joe Zenny Jr., the lead singer makes love sound like a patient who’s terminally ill. “We invent reasons to fight,” he says…

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Whenever someone used to be associated with a band and they form a group of their own, it’s always a thing to see. One only need to look at pop music history. Lionel Richie forming his own band after leaving The Commodores, Diana Ross going solo with her own backing band after parting ways with the Supremes if we’re going to go back in time for instances. Nicole Nicole Scherzinger with Eden Crush before the Pussycat Dolls and Justin Timberlake, formerly of a group called NSync, are some other examples that come to mind. So when former Carimi lead-singer Mickael…

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Haitian Music All Up Your Ears: Kai Champion What time is it children? It’s time for another edition of Haitian Music Reviews…Today’s subject of discussion is…well, you already read it above. Let’s go! The song cancer gives novel meaning to the term “power duet”. My goodness. We’ve got singer Rutshelle on one side with her molasses-tinged voice, and we’ve got Rich Cave singing like it depends on his life. “This relationship done turned to cancer,” he and singer Rutshelle belt out in the verses. What a duet. By the time the song concluded, I wondered how wonderful it would be…

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