Author: Opastaff

September 27, 2005 – In a revealing turn of events, Freddy, the former lead singer of the celebrated band Top Vice, has announced his plans to continue using the band’s name as he ventures into a new chapter in his musical career. In his latest initiative, he has partnered with the renowned drummer Tuco Bouzi, previously of Dixie Band, in an effort to recapture and enhance the legacy of Top Vice. In a candid interview with Sony Belanfom, Freddy opened up about the internal conflicts that led to the dissolution of the original Top Vice lineup. He shared that the…

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Last week on Friday, a press conference was held at Brasserie Creole in Queens, NY, to address serious allegations against three individuals accused of bootlegging DVDs and CDs from Florida for profit in New York. The event provided an opportunity for the accused to respond to the claims made against them. Yvon from Tele Diaspo in Boston detailed the allegations: Doff Chancy was apprehended at Delta Airways with 100 copies of the movie “VIP,” 85 copies of “Tolalito,” 100 copies of “Plezi Detay,” and 6 copies of “Twoubadou Vol.1.” The merchandise was meant to be shipped via cargo, but due…

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Before I continue, let it be known,  it’s a slow news week, therefore, i’m willing to entertain this mess. And also let me highlight this to the ladies of the Haitian music industry; please hold your heads up high and give yourselves a few pats on the back for what you are about to read is an example of why when God keeps closing certain doors in front of you; it simply means what’s behind it is not for you. You would never hear a woman mentioned in a story like the one below. Last week, Friday, there was a press conference…

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The former lead singer of Top Vice, Freddy is going to venture on with the name Top Vice. In an attempt to regain the notable status of the former group, he joined forces with the renown, Tuco Bouzi, former drums player of Dixie Band. During a recent interview with Sony Belanfom, Freddy explained the reason Top Vice members parted ways. He stated that it all began when he convinced the band to form a corporation. He explained to band members how beneficial it would be for all members. Freddy stated that when the band initially became a corporation, everyone was…

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The 2005 Fos Baron Festival, held just before Labor Day, showcased a vibrant display of Haitian music, despite a few logistical hiccups. The festival was well-attended, and the organizers managed to adjust the schedule on the fly to accommodate performances from several top bands, though unfortunately, Nu Look and Tabou Combo were no-shows. Tabou Combo had conflicting commitments, and while Nu Look was scheduled to appear, they did not make it for undisclosed reasons. Sweet Mickey opened the festival, setting a lively tone while keeping his performance family-friendly in front of his children. His act included a playful dig at…

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In a recent turn of events, Kreyol La vocalist Ti Joe has spoken out about why he refused to join Krezi Mizik on stage during a recent bal. Krezi Mizik, which features Ti Joe’s former Konpa Kreyol bandmate David Dupoux, had invited him to come up and sing a song from their former group during the event. However, Ti Joe declined the offer, and he’s now shedding light on the reasons behind his decision. We spoke with Ti Joe earlier, and he confirmed the situation, explaining why he made the choice not to go on stage. Here’s what he had…

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Rumors are swirling that Zenglen’s maestro, Richie, may be considering a strategic move to add a third frontman to the band. Sources suggest that Richie is not entirely opposed to bringing in his protégé, Da Benz, as a potential third singer. The decision is reportedly aimed at protecting the group from unexpected challenges and ensuring its long-term stability. Richie has good reason to be cautious. In the past, Zenglen has faced significant setbacks, most notably when Gracia Delva was unable to continue performing with the band. Additionally, Richie has voiced concerns about the potential risks of giving too much power…

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In light of the well-documented tension between Kreyol La and Carimi, Kreyol La vocalist Ti Joe has spoken out about the current state of his relationship with the members of the rival group. While the feud between the two bands captured public attention, Ti Joe offered a more reflective take on how things stand today. In his own words, Ti Joe said: “Looking back, I can admit that both sides said and did things that weren’t right. It’s natural to feel deeply emotional when you believe a friend or group of friends has wronged you. It was only because the…

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Following recent speculation about internal tensions within Nu Look, New York promoter and close friend of the band, Country, has come forward to set the record straight. Rumors have been circulating that there may be friction between Arly and Gazzman, raising concerns among fans about the band’s future. In a direct statement, Country reassured fans, firmly dismissing any talk of a potential breakup. “As long as I am alive, I GUARANTEE that Nu Look will NEVER break up,” he said. “I know there are rumors out there suggesting that the group is not steady in terms of relationships within the…

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Two popular stars in the Haitian music industry (HMI) may soon be joining forces—but not in the way fans might expect. Rumors are swirling that Nia, vocalist of Zin, and Ti Joe of Kreyol La could be working together on an upcoming project that has nothing to do with music. According to the producer of the highly anticipated film “Oasis,” Nia is being considered for the role of Ti Joe’s wife in the movie. However, her participation depends on her ability to balance her demanding schedule, which includes both her educational commitments and her work with Zin. The producer shared…

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