Author: Opastaff

With the buzz surrounding Kreyol La at an all-time high, speculation is growing about who will handle the band’s representation in the U.S. market. The recent appointment of Joubert Charles of Nouvel Jenerasyon as Kreyol La’s manager has stirred the industry, raising questions about the future of the band’s promotion in key areas, particularly in Florida. Joubert Charles, who has long been associated with prominent Miami promoter Rodney Noel, seems poised to shift the dynamics. If Rodney becomes the primary promoter for Kreyol La in Florida, this could potentially create tension with Kaliko Productions, the band’s former main promoter in…

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Following the altercation at Saturday’s festival, Konpa Kreyol has issued a formal statement through their manager, Fabiola Dupoux Leger, addressing the details of the event and its significance. In her statement, Fabiola explained that the situation between Konpa Kreyol and Konpa Factory escalated during the festival. She noted that the band had been the target of several incidents and that it was not just a simple misunderstanding. “This is a significant matter—more important than anything we’ve faced before, and we’re taking it very seriously,” Fabiola said. She further revealed that they had been informed of possible threats awaiting the band…

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After the altercation involving members of Konpa Kreyol and security personnel at Saturday’s festival, the group addressed the incident during their after-party with TVice. One source who attended the after-party reported that the members of Konpa Kreyol were still discussing the previous day’s fight. Despite the physical confrontation, the group managed to perform on stage, showing resilience and dedication to their fans. Ti Joe, one of the vocalists, remarked on the incident, saying, “Even though we were beaten at the show, we still managed to get back on stage and perform because of the fans.” Meanwhile, David Dupoux, whose head…

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In a candid conversation, Charlotvice opened up about the real reasons behind the dissolution of Top Vice and provided some surprising insights into the dynamics within the band. Addressing rumors and shedding light on previously undisclosed details, Charlot offered an insider’s perspective on the split and how it led to the creation of Nu Vice. Charlot began by clarifying misconceptions: “Many people think Robert Martino and I had been planning to create Nu Vice for a long time. That’s simply not true. The reality is that I quit Top Vice. After I left, Robert Martino decided to join me. That’s…

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Rumors are swirling about potential tension between Haitian music powerhouse T-Vice and popular promoter Jean Eddy Bazile. Once known for their solid partnership, several sources now suggest that their relationship may be showing signs of strain, with both sides allegedly harboring some dissatisfaction. One source close to the situation explained, “It’s now strictly a business relationship. There’s some resentment on both sides. Bazile might feel like he’s not getting the breaks he deserves after promoting the group for so long, while T-Vice could argue they’re not receiving the same treatment they once enjoyed. For example, after a recent gig in…

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The debut album from MANMZEL, titled “On The Beat”, offers a diverse collection of tracks that reflect the band’s unique blend of musical influences. Featuring members from Haiti, St. Lucia, Israel, Italy, and the UK, the all-female group showcases a variety of styles ranging from Compas and Zouk to Pop, Rock, and R&B. As a listener with an open mind, here is a detailed breakdown of what this eclectic album has to offer. 1) INTRO The album begins with a jazzy 10-second intro that subtly introduces the group with the line “Manmzel, a new female band.” It’s a brief but…

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New York- King Kino is perhaps the most controversial and influential figure in the music industry of the past ten years! King Kino, the lead singer of the Haitian konpa group “Move Move”, has been making music and performing for almost two decades with his former group “Phantoms” His candid opinions on many issues, that no other artists have dared to touch on, are often bound to generate a lot of controversies in the community. King Kino’s alleged recent remarks following a heated radio interview and allegations of racist comments directed toward light complexion Haitian konpa group have landed him…

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The highly anticipated Djakout Mizik and Nu Look showdown on Saturday ended in chaos, and promoter Wes Productions is pointing the finger squarely at Nu Look for the events that led to the fiasco. In an exclusive interview, Wes detailed the behind-the-scenes tensions and disagreements that contributed to the night’s unfortunate turn of events. Wes explained that he had a clear agreement with both bands before the event, with Nu Look scheduled to open the show. However, three weeks after receiving the deposit, Arly Larivière, Nu Look’s maestro, contacted Wes insisting that Nu Look close the show instead. “He was…

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After weeks of speculation and criticism, Nu Look maestro Arly Larivière has finally spoken out about the controversy surrounding the song “Cookie” from the band’s new CD. The song, which has raised eyebrows for its seemingly provocative lyrics about an underage girl, has been a hot topic in the Haitian Music Industry (HMI). In an exclusive conversation, Arly offered his perspective on the matter. Addressing the controversy head-on, Arly said, “Well, THAT’S WHAT IT IS. It’s a story written by M. Lubin over music I composed. I already had the music since the last Nu Look studio album, but I…

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In response to the controversy surrounding the Djakout Mizik/Nu Look party fiasco in New York on December 31st, Nu Look maestro Arly Larivière has shared his side of the story, shedding light on what led to the disagreement and subsequent fallout. According to Arly, the situation was mishandled by the event’s promoter, Wes, and the version of events told by the promoter does not accurately reflect what transpired. Arly explained, “When I am in the wrong, I stay quiet. But when I feel I am being judged unfairly, I speak up.” He firmly believes that Nu Look was misrepresented in…

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