Author: Opastaff

Digicel Group Ltd. canceled its planned $2.3 billion initial public offering citing current conditions, particularly in emerging markets, which the Caribbean’s biggest mobile provider said have hurt deal momentum in recent days. The Bermuda-based company, owned by Irish telecom billionaire Denis O’Brien, had planned to sell roughly 124 million shares to raise funds to help repay the company’s debt load. “Given our growth outlook, an IPO for Digicel was optional and predicated on achieving fair value for the company,” Mr. O’Brien said in prepared remarks Tuesday. “Recent volatility in equity markets has seen a number of IPOs listing at a…

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Port-au-Prince (AFP) – Haiti’s former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide has spoken in public for the first time since returning from exile in 2011, calling on Haitians to elect his party’s candidate as president. Speaking from the back of a pickup truck outside his home late Wednesday, Aristide galvanized a crowd of about 2,000 followers who waited for hours to hear him speak. “We must mobilize ourselves to vote democratically for doctor Maryse Narcisse’s arrival at the national palace,” he said referring to the candidate of his Fanmi Lavalas party. The first round of the presidential elections are scheduled for October 25.…

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“Legba anye wo / Nou pral pare solèy / Peyi a lwen Legba / Nou pral pare solèy” During the opening minute, over spirited Haitian drumming, Riva and backing singers take turn repeating those phrases. Other players — drums, bass, guitars — join in at around 1m10s to create a frenetic rhythm, while a soprano sax improvisation-like performance gives the piece a jazzy feel. I’ve come across many “Legba” tunes over the years; this one is a new acquaintance which will no doubt become a good friend. Danbala Wèdo | 2m43s “Danbala Wèdo se nou menm o / Ayida Wèdo…

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In a Facebook post, Dano, the pianist of the group DISIP, confirmed the rumor that had been circulating for weeks between him and Disip, because after the summer tour in Haiti, many members of Disip complained about not being paid. On Sunday, September 6th, DISIP had a show to perform at 1st Klass Cafe in Miami, Dano had sent a message to the band’s management to inform them if he was not fully compensated for the summer tour, he would not be present at the show. Thus, the band’s management quickly resolved the issue with him. After this event, rumors…

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The artist, Jean Roody Delpé known as Roody to some and Delpé to others was born on May 28th, 1984 in Limbé, close to Port Margot in Cap Haitien where his parents are from. Raised in Port-au-Prince, he attended Petit Seminaire Collège St Martial where he completed his primary and secondary education. Jean Roody Delpé’s musical career began at a very early age. Growing up in a family where music has always been valued, it was inevitable that music would play an important role in his life. His father, Jhonny Delpé, played the guitar in a local band, Nouveaux Astres…

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Herold Christophe, the great love singer in the late 80s, has left for another world on August 28, 2015. He passed away in his hometown, Boston, Massachusetts, after a five year long battle with prostate cancer. As per news sources, for the past five years, the singer tried everything; went through many sessions of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, blood transfusion, and many forms of natural remedies. Unfortunately, earlier this year, the doctors told his family that the last sessions of chemotherapy were doing more harm than good to him. In the span of last 2-3 months, he had lost his ability…

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Why a lot of men are single and women are single part 1. Guys, this is exclusively for you. Have you ever wondered why the women you date always turn out to be annoying or weird in some way? Have you ever thought that perhaps you have been choosing the wrong type of women? Below is a list of ten different types of women you should avoid, according to an article I just came across. Read carefully and see if you can learn one or two things. 1. The Chatterbox: This is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping…

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