Author: Opastaff

Veronique Jeremie is official a Mrs!!! Just days ago the former Zin beauty posted pictures of her engagement to her church’s bishop and this morning social media woke up buzzing with follow up pictures of her actual wedding. We’re guessing the engagement photos were taken months prior but we’re very impress with the way she went about releasing them. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ambroise. Very good looking couple.

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One of the best ways to introduce yourself without saying a word is in the way you dress. People will automatically judge you based on what you are wearing at all times if you’re an artist so give them something good on the eyes yet still delivering the whoa factor and at the end something worthy of talking about. Dos and Don’t Do- Wear something that represents your true personality and age appropriate. Don’t- Don’t repeat outfits (we’ve notice) at least try to fool us by mixing and matching. Do- You do not have to wears the most expensive outfit.…

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Dating can be pretty damn terrible. Essentially, you meet up with an almost stranger or a complete stranger whom you’re attracted to, and have to fill three or so hours with banter that makes you come off as smart and sexy. If it’s going swimmingly, you’re stressing out over how to keep up the good vibes. If it’s a bad first date, you’re struggling with how to call it a night without hurting your date’s feelings. Not to mention the monkey wrench that online dating throws into the whole process. You try your best not to make it obvious that you have never…

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I feel like my perception of the passage of time is distorted: When I read a book or watch a movie created in 1995, my first thought tends to be “Oh, so it’s pretty recent.” And then it takes a few minutes for me to register that, no, actually that means it’s 20 years old. TWENTY YEARS. And then I feel so, so ancient (like, I might as well just start wearing house coats and buy an easy chair and never get out of it because it’s all going to be over soon). But although I often perceive the ’90s…

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David Jude Jolicoeur (born September 21, 1968, in Brooklyn, New York), also known under the stage name Trugoy the Dove and more recently Dave, is an American rapper, producer, and one third of groundbreaking hip hop trio De La Soul. Jolicoeur, Vincent Mason and Kelvin Mercer were friends who attended the same high school in the Amityville area of Long Island during the 1980s. After they decided to form a rap group, each member re-christened themselves with an outlandish name (Trugoy the Dove, P.A. Pasemaster Mase and Posdnuos, respectively). Early on, Jolicoeur sported a unique style of African medallions, peace…

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I would like to apologize to Rutshelle and all those affected by our disunity. Frankly, I am moved to see through the media and on social networks all the importance that our fans have given to this cause. Which makes me realize the need to make a clarification for the edification of all those who are interested in the issue. As you know, just as there is no rose without a thorn, there will be no love without pain. Rutshelle and I had shared a lot of love in the past, but also, we had experienced a lot of difficulties…

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Steeve Khé, gave a letter to the manager T-Marco on Saturday during a concert in Grand Goâve around two in the morning, he also gave a copy to Maestro Mamane, and in this letter he asked for a salary increase. On Monday without giving the guys a chance to give him an answer, the letter became public, and the guys found it unprofessional and they decided to suspend him, but they did not kick him out of the group. So far they have not had a chance to talk to him. Shabba himself did not know how this letter ended…

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Quite a few media personalities, Entertainment News posters, and even legitimate professional journalists from time to time feed into this misconception that in order for one to generate more hits or just make a name for themselves they have to report damaging gossips, rumors or innuendos about artists politicians or a regular public figure. And when that doesn’t work they result to intimidation and strong arming these individuals. Journalism is not for everyone there is a code of ethics that goes with the craft. A journalist should not be using their medium to sway people’s opinion on a story.  The…

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When is the best time to remind your significant other of how beautiful she really is? If you guessed the month of October; you’ve guessed right. You never need a reason or an occasion to utter such words of encouragement to the leading lady in your life and that’s the message DOLA MIZIK’s new single “You’re Beautiful”,’re so  conveys. This beautiful love ballad will serve as a reminder to all of the gentlemen out there that showing love and appreciation shouldn’t only be a holiday occurrence. “You’re so Beautiful is the first of many tracks you will hear from the New…

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Katalog of Gabel has just released a new single titled “My Life My Story.” This release comes on the heels of a social media controversy involving Katalog, sparked by a photo he posted on his Instagram page. The authenticity of the photo was questioned by a social media follower, leading to a viral side-by-side comparison with the original image. Fans quickly identified the source of the photo, and Katalog faced a wave of criticism for his actions. Seizing the moment, Katalog used the opportunity to release his new single, both to address the controversy and to garner some free promotion…

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