Archives: Artists

Mushy Widmaier is a “modern jazz” piano player, but one with a certain undertone of both Haitian folklore and European…

Joël represents both the musical and vocal quintessence of a new trend which has been revived in all genres, and…

Born on August 19, 1953, André (“Dadou”) Pasquet, whose importance is poorly measured, is undoubtedly one of our greatest living…

Legendary Haitian group (Zèklè) who’s been playing music for more than 25 years composed of the Widmaier brothers (Joel, Mushi)…

Fatima Genise Durand Altieri was born on September 20th, 1993, in Peguy Ville Port-au-Prince, Haiti, but it is at Delmas…

Formed in Haiti as Shleu-Shleu, Skah Shah was reorganized by vocalist Joe Ely “Cubano” Telfort after he moved to New…