Katalog of Gabel has just released a new single titled “My Life My Story.” This release comes on the heels of a social media controversy involving Katalog, sparked by a photo he posted on his Instagram page. The authenticity of the photo was questioned by a social media follower, leading to a viral side-by-side comparison with the original image. Fans quickly identified the source of the photo, and Katalog faced a wave of criticism for his actions. Seizing the moment, Katalog used the opportunity to release his new single, both to address the controversy and to garner some free promotion for the song.

The Instagram post in question featured a picture of a bottle of Ciroc and a can of Dole’s pineapple juice, accompanied by several hashtag captions. A social media user recognized the image from P-Diddy’s Instagram page. This was particularly notable because P-Diddy is the brand ambassador for Ciroc, while Katalog’s band, Gabel, is sponsored by Rhum Barbancourt. This discrepancy raised questions about why Katalog was promoting Ciroc for free instead of his own sponsor’s product. The incident quickly became a social media sensation, with Haitian users across platforms mocking and criticizing Katalog. The uproar included a flood of memes and jokes targeting him and the photo he posted.

Despite the backlash, Katalog remained composed, using the negative attention to his advantage by promoting his new single. “My Life My Story” chronicles the Gabel lead singer’s life, detailing the hardships he faced after arriving in the U.S. in 1999 with an illegal immigration status and his journey to becoming a prominent figure in the Haitian Music Industry. The song stands out for its emotional depth, diverging from Katalog’s typical upbeat, slogan-driven style. For the first time, fans hear a more personal side of the Gabel lead vocalist, as he shares his story with authenticity and vulnerability.

Since its release, the song has received rave reviews from industry insiders and the general public alike. There is no official word yet on whether this is the start of a solo project or if the song will be featured on Gabel’s next studio album.

You can check out the song and let us know your thoughts on it.

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