Duviella, Serge


Artist Birtday : 17/09/1944(Age 81)

Composer, author, keyboardist, guitar maker, Serge Duviella dabbled in several genres of music in his early youth. It is enough to dissect his discography to realize it. In addition, he had a crazy passion for electronics, tube radios, ancestors of transistor radios and amplifiers. On the other hand, while he was adapting to the regulations of the humanitarian classes of the Lycée Alexandre Pétion in Port-au-Prince, he repaired amplifiers (fenders) and radio devices at Alphonse Astier in the rue des Miracles in Haiti. During this period of the sixties, he resided in Arcachon. His base or headquarters was ‘la ruèlle Oléron’ where he conversed with the painter André Normil, the Jean Marie Romain family and other young people from the region while contemplating his girlfriend Suzie. Filled with the sap of youth, He was faked by the blunders of adolescence and the flame of this friendship was extinguished. A year later, he became acquainted with ‘Elle’ which he immortalized on a digital audio record. She became his wife and the mother of his three children.

In 1963-1964, Ti Pouf, as it was called, conferred from time to time with Jean Sejour, the author of two Guidons, Nanotte and Lucienne, all compositions performed by the Ensemble De Weber Sicot. Yet he was a staunch Kompa Direk fanatic, but that didn’t stop him from having a sociable and intelligent conversation about the music of these two leaders with Jean. They were both sympathetic; Hello. Moreover, when Jean wrote ‘Deux Guidons’ for Sicot, Serge Duviella was one of the first people to know about this project.

Having completed his studies in the mid-sixties, Serge assessed his future and embraced the exodus. He continued along the paths traced by other comrades and took the Transcaribbean Airways plane to the United States. Arrived here, he was subjected like all of us to the process of assimilation and acculturation. He continued his electrical and electronic studies and enrolled in a school at the same time as his friend Wilner Kebreau. After a few months, Wilner gave up his studies, while Serge persevered in it. He had before him a horizon full of dreams, circuits, modules, melodies and poetry. However, after two semesters, his resilience weakens; he dropped out of his studies. Yet he hadn’t given up on everything. He knew how to use his cognitive values ​​and the little he acquired at school and especially during his apprenticeship in Haiti. He had enough knowledge to make an amplifier and a mixer to mix his melodies and those of others; he made his first 45 laps. He is, as his friend Wilner Kebreau tells us, an element of extreme intelligence which has not reached its peak.

Serge has collaborated in the production of several records. From 1997 to 2006, he published nearly 13 albums or digital audio discs in the genre of background music or music to listen to. A list of his partial discography would be as follows.

Year Disc title Label
1983 Sidon Diskhaiti DH 30000
1996 L’Or du Nord Diskhaiti # 80003
1997 Watercolors Diskhaiti # 8004
1999 Synthese Vol I GR 0119
1999 Synthese Vol II GR 0069
1999 Synthese LP Diskhaiti
2000 Bidjonel Vol I Diskhaiti
2006 ELLE Diskhaiti

Son of Gabriel Duviella and Gabrielle Bonaparte, Serge lived in a family of three children of which he is the Benjamin. Very dynamic man, full of compassion and tolerance. Ultimate optimist who understands that every minute of life is a fortune in both joy and pain; he has often forgiven. He believed that even if we cannot achieve the impossible, we must try it. Who knows? It can serve as a lantern. He had to create some musical jingles for Eddy Publicité as well as Moman Kreyol. He also brought his skills to the production of the CD “Sidon ‘and to the albums Echo Mystérieux and Jean Francois Azor, Michel Ange Bazile, Léon Dimanche etc. His masterpiece remains the CD titled ‘Elle’ where chaste melodies imbued with dazzling dreams in conjunction with the ‘understated’ lyrics said too much;

Born on September 17, 1945, Serge Duviella (Ti Pouf) breathed his last at Kingsbrook Hospital on January 6, 2018. He leaves in pain Serge Jr, Kathy and Daphnée, his three children, his second wife, Michaelle, his sister, Chantale, his older brother, Michel and his cousin Luce Duviella. Serge was appreciated by everyone for his knowledge, his talents and his personality. To the other relatives and friends weeping by this bereavement, our sympathies.

Adrien B. Berthaud