Loray Mistik – “Mistik Thunder”, this is the meaning of an exciting group that comes from the hills and villages of the mysterious, ancient land of Haiti. Their music brings forward the truth of their tradition- Vodou music, the traditional music of the people of Haiti, rhythms played out on the drums like the sound of the mystical thunder of the Gods-.
Vodou speaks to the heart of the Haitian people, putting forth a message of social conscience and spiritual strength. It also typifies the music of the “Lwa” (the Gods or Orishas) of Africa, with many songs being traditional prayers to the 101 Vodou Nations that look over mankind and protect and guard us all, believers and nonbelievers alike.
The leader of Loray Mistik, Jude “Papaloko” Thegenus, became a student of this mystic religion many years ago. At the age of 12 he “felt the drum” and began playing in the country carnivals of his area. He had began painting at the age of 6, and has become one of Haiti’s most talented artists as well as musician.
Loray Mistik performs true Vodou music. Traditional instruments like the klewon, graj, fe iron, conch shell, cha cha, jon, hand bass, and the drums: petwo, congo, nago, rara, dahomey and bongos, unify with the electric sounds of the guitar, bass and saxophone to create what is known as Vodou pop. The group is formed by 5 members, and it can expand up to 12 members when dancers and drummers are added. It is not uncommon for persons to enter a state of trance while encountering the music of Loray Mistik. Jude Thegenus believes that many come to their performances for the spiritual aspect of the music. Prayer, ritual dances, body painting of members as well as spectators, candles and flags representing the Vodou Nations are presented.
Many songs are based on social issues and prayers are sung for the many suffering in Haiti and around the world today. When Loray Mistik performs it, it is as much for themselves as for their audiences. They feel the music first- they never just “put on a show”. Each year the group celebrates “Bwakayiman”- a celebration of the first Vodou ceremony held amongst the slaves in 1791, leading to the emancipation of 1804.
Loray Mistik intends to bring the message of their music to all people. Their ceremonies are held as an educational tool to enlighten and enliven the lives of the people participating. Their unique message can be heard and felt through out the land. It mirrors the cry of their people as they struggle for freedom in these times.