Grammy-winning singer, songwriter, and producer Fridayy (Francis Leblanc )invites listeners into a deeply personal journey on his sophomore album, “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not,” out now via Def Jam Recordings. The Philadelphia-raised artist, whose family hails from Haiti, continues to blur genre lines by folding elements of R&B, Afrobeats, hip-hop, and his beloved Haitian Konpa into a body of work that explores love, faith, and personal battles. From high-energy tracks featuring Chris Brown, Kehlani, and Wale, to introspective moments that reveal the grief of losing his father, Fridayy proves that his music is just as expansive as his list of collaborators.
Throughout the album, Fridayy’s artistic range shines through. The first side packs a punch with songs like “Shotgun,” featuring a smooth verse from Wale, and “Saving My Love,” which marks a standout collaboration with Kehlani. On these tracks, Fridayy leans into his R&B roots, offering soulful melodies and lyrics that touch on themes of devotion, passion, and vulnerability. Meanwhile, he reinvents the vibe on “Bezwen Ou,” teaming up with Joé Dwèt Filé to give listeners a taste of modern Konpa. The duo blends English, Creole, and French, nodding to the rich heritage of Haitian music while keeping the production fresh and contemporary.
Fridayy’s Haitian background takes center stage on tracks like “Bezwen Ou” and “Sun Comes Down.” Raised in a household where Haitian music was a constant, he recalls how his father encouraged him to learn multiple instruments, laying the foundation for his unique sound. This sense of tradition weaves into his artistry as he meshes Konpa’s rhythmic heartbeat with modern influences, creating a signature style that pays homage to his parents’ homeland. Konpa’s distinct blend of soul, jazz, and merengue resonates in the layers of horns and percussion that anchor several songs on this project.
The album’s second side offers more introspective cuts, including “Proud Of Me,” a cathartic track featuring fellow Philadelphia native Meek Mill. Here, Fridayy addresses personal growth and the pressures of success, all while proving that his knack for penning hooky, relatable refrains remains one of his strongest assets. “February ‘23” and “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not” balance emotive storytelling with melodic hooks, reminding listeners that genuine self-expression lies at the heart of Fridayy’s music.
Across all 21 tracks, Fridayy embraces duality, promising fans anthems to celebrate life’s highest peaks and songs to comfort them through its lowest valleys. Reflecting on his journey, he explains that there is no musical lane he cannot touch. By merging Haitian roots with global sounds, he is blazing a path for Konpa’s potential crossover, a hope many Haitian music lovers share, especially in light of Afrobeats’ worldwide rise.
If Fridayy’s 2023 self-titled debut was his introduction, “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not” is the statement piece that cements his place among the industry’s most versatile talents. From working with international superstars to proudly honoring his Haitian heritage, Fridayy stands out as a boundary-pushing artist. With this album, he shows that Haiti’s rich musical culture is alive and thriving, echoing the Haitian saying, “Ayiti pap janm peri,” or “Haiti will never perish.” For fans eager to experience a personal narrative layered with lush production, this double LP is a worthy listen, proof that Fridayy is only beginning to stake his claim on global stardom.
Revizyon Album: “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not” pa Fridayy
Atis, konpozitè, ak pwodiktè ki deja ranpòte pri Grammy, Fridayy, (Francis Leblanc ) envite tout moun antre nan yon vwayaj pèsonèl ak dezyèm album li, “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not,” ki disponib kounye a via Def Jam Recordings. Atis sa a, ki leve Philadelphia men ki gen rasin famiy li an Ayiti, kontinye kraze baryè jan w tande li melanje R&B, Afrobeats, hip-hop, ak Konpa ayisyen li renmen. Album sa a pale de lanmou, lafwa, ak konba pèsonèl li, soti nan kolaborasyon enèjik ak Chris Brown, Kehlani, ak Wale, rive sou moman ki pi entim kote li montre doulè li paske li pèdi papa li. Fridayy pwouve ke mizik li gen menm dimansyon ak lis atis ki kolabore avè l.
Pandan tout durasyon album lan, kapasite atistik Fridayy briye klè. Premye pati a ban nou “Shotgun,” kote Wale mete ti mo li, ak “Saving My Love,” ki se yon kolaborasyon enpòtan ak Kehlani. Sou mizik sa yo, Fridayy retounen sou baz R&B li, ofri melodi ak liriks ki pale de devosyon, pasyon, ak sansibilite. Li chanje atmosfer la sou “Bezwen Ou,” kote li kolabore ak Joé Dwèt Filé pou bay odyans la yon gou Konpa modèn. De atis yo melanje lang anglè, kreyòl, ak franse, mete aksan sou richès mizik ayisyen, men yo kenbe pwodiksyon an frè ak modèn.
Rasin ayisyèn Fridayy la parèt kòmsadwa sou mizik tankou “Bezwen Ou” ak “Sun Comes Down.” Li te leve nan yon fanmi kote mizik ayisyen te toujou prezan, e li eksplike ki jan papa li te ankouraje l aprann divès enstriman, sa ki bay baz pou son inik li. Bagay sa montre kòman li mete rit Konpa ak enfliyans modèn, epi sa vin kreye yon stil pa l ki respekte peyi manman li. Eleman Konpa, ki melanje soufle, jazz, ak mereng, retwe anndan divès mizik yo, espesyalman kote perisyon ak enèji la byen prezan.
Dezyèm pati album lan ban nou mizik ki pi entim, tankou “Proud Of Me,” yon mizik kote rapè Philadelphia Meek Mill patisipe. La a, Fridayy fè nou wè kwasans pèsonèl li ak presyon ki vini ak siksè, epi li montre ke li kapab kreye refren ki frape kè moun. “February ‘23” ak “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not” melanje istwa pèsonèl ak melodi ki pral ede fanatik yo idantifye ak sa l ap di, akonpaye pa emosyon ki soti verite anndan li.
Sou 21 mizik yo, Fridayy dekri dualite li, promet fanatik yo lòt fòs ki vle fete pi gwo siksè lavi a, men tou mizik ki ka ede yo lè lavi fè bak. Pandan l ap reflechi sou vwayaj li, li eksplike ke pa gen okenn jan mizik li pa ka eseye. Ak melanje rasin ayisyèn li ak son mondial yo, li montre kouman Konpa ayisyen ka fè wout pa l, espesyalman si w gade siksè Afrobeats jodi a.
Si premye album Fridayy a, ki soti an 2023, te yon prezantasyon, “Some Days I’m Good, Some Days I’m Not” se etap ki fikse plas li pami pi gwo talan endistri a. Soti nan travay ak vedèt mondyal, rive sou fason li fè onè rasin ayisyen li, Fridayy parèt tankou yon atis ki pa mete limit. Avèk album sa a, li montre mond lan ke mizik rich Haiti a toujou bel e vivan, tout pandan li raple nou fraz kreyòl ki di, “Ayiti pap janm peri.” Pou moun ki renmen mizik pèsonèl ak pwodiksyon ki rich, doub LP sa a se yon tès ki vo lapenn, prèv ke Fridayy koumanse sèlman remonte pou l pran plas li sou sèn mondyal la.