Opa caught up with Nu -Look’s maestro Arly Lariviere at club Excel where the band had just finished playing for the night. Arly just released a collection of his love songs from his previous albums. We got to ask him a few questions about the new album, the band and his opinion on a few things.. Click here for Arly Lariviere Bio.
Cheyna: Hello, Arly!
Arly: I would like to greet all of the Opa’s members and you, Cheyna. I want to also greet all of my fans and fans of Konpa Direk in general.
Cheyna: Arly, you have a new album out called “Arly’s Collection” which features some old and new love songs. Tell us about the album and what songs are on there?
Arly: I have to tell you first this album does not feature all of my songs. I settled for 11 songs because that’s as much as the album can hold. The songs are as follow: Souvenir, Loving You, Destiny, Why Do You Say You Me?, Kite’m Touche’w, Lanmou’m pap fini (which I dedicated to you, Opa.) You and I, Cookie, Avenue de la Passion, Yon ti sèman, Isabelle.
Cheyna: Arly, who’s “Cookie” dedicated to? (lol)
Arly: Cherie, let me explain something to you … do not put me in any gossip, we’re doing an interview.
Cheyna: (Laughing) I just asked! Is the album available in stores?
Arly: Yes it is. We had a little delay getting it out but it should be on every store shelves by this coming week.
Cheyna: Arly, you sing a lot of love songs and I think the reason your songs tend to become hits is due to the fact that you sing about actual events. For example, you sing songs that are based on everyday situations. Some might think you’re hiding in closets with your pencil taking notice and putting it in a song. Are you telling other people’s stories or are these song based on your own personal experiences?
Arly: I have to tell you first… a musician is a messenger… one who conveys social issues through songs. It’s natural that I’m going to sing songs that people can relate to. Songs like You and I, Loving You, Lanmou’n Pa fini, and Souvenir don’t necessarily have to be based on my personal experience. The success of the music is based on how the fans relate to it. If people can relate to a song, they’ll buy it. Some people sing about politics and other sings about sex. I sing about relationship issues and love.
Cheyna: The last band album “Still News” featuring the mega-hit “Why do you say you love me?” Is a great album but when you travel aboard are you getting the same positive feed backs?
Arly: I’m not sure of the amount of sales the album has accumulated but when we travel the fans are amazing. We went to Haiti recently to play at a graduation… If Gazzman and I had decided not to sing that night, all we would have had to do is hand them (the fans) the mic and they would have sang all of the songs. That’s how familiar they are with the album. This is how it is in Haiti, Paris, New York etc.
Cheyna: Arly as you know this month marks the 50th anniversary of Konpa Direk. Opa Mizik would like to hear in your opinion what changed and how has the industry advance within the last … let’s say 10 years and what do you feel needs to be changed?
Arly: Konpa Direk is a woman that I love very much. It’s our music and it’s part of our culture. Konpa suffered a lot over the years and this is something we all know but it remains the only thing we have to identify us everywhere we go. We do have a long way to go, there’s a lot to be worked on. The musicians have to get together and stop the bootlegging that’s crippling the industry. The fans have to learn how to support the musicians and in turn… the music. Just because you’re a Nu Look fan doesn’t mean you can’t support another band especially if they’re doing something positive. Everybody is happy and they’re celebrating the 50th year anniversary but we have to change some of the tactics.
Cheyna: It’s always a pleasure speaking with you, Arly. I know you are very tired right now so I’ll wrap this up but is there anything you would like to say to your fans.
Arly: Thanks to Nemours Jean Baptiste for the music, his wife, and children. I would like to thank the fans for their continuing support, thank you Cheyna because you’re doing something positive. I would like you to continue to support Nu-Look, criticize us CONSTRUCTIVELY! We’re open for suggestions because we’re working for our fans. I would like to thank all of the media in general who are also doing positive things because without them the music wouldn’t be out there.